
Shiyan Boxer
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2020

Written by Shiyan Boxer

Image from TEDTalks

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. One commonality is that leaders must have followers. Their greatness is judged by history for their impact on others whether it be positive, negative, momentous, unsubstantial, temporary, or lasting. The symbiotic relationship between leader and follower cannot be overstated.

Centuries ago, philosopher Joseph de Maistre argued that societies get the leaders they deserve. Experts today contend leaders get the followers they deserve. I have found both to be true. Wise, compassionate, honest, responsible leaders guiding followers who are well informed, demonstrate sound judgement, courage, and integrity constitutes the ideal relationship.

My experiences in school, at work, in my community, and as a citizen of Canada and the world, indicate a majority of people feel disappointed and dissatisfied with their leadership. I propose the lack of trust and esteem is largely due to a failure of moral strength and decency on both sides. In a society where power, influence, and wealth has been accumulated by the top 1% of the population they possess a strong motivation to use their immense power to maintain the status quo.

This untenable imbalance of power creates a constant and growing scarcity of resources. In my lifetime we have seen leadership across the globe stoke fear, racism, and unhealthy competition amongst citizens. Groupthink has effectively divided and conquered people convincing followers to act against their own interests and enabling decades of growing income inequality, environmental disasters, and today’s pandemic.

Environmental threats to our planet best illustrate the urgent need for servant leadership in our most lucrative global industries, businesses and governments. An explicit focus on ethics, serving the community, and self-sacrifice from leadership can turn fear into trust developing a workforce that respects science, facts, and human dignity when solving problems together to fulfill common goals and aspirations.

