Redesign a flight ticket

Shiyu Chen
Shiyu’s ITP blog
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2018

How to re-design a chaotic flight ticket?

In this week, we were required to re-design a flight ticket below:

source: Visual Language, ITP, Fall 2018

There are several problems behinds:

  • No hierarchy. It is hard to know where to look at it as there are too much information on the ticket.
  • Redundant information. Though the ticket will be teared while boarding, some information could still be removed or shown only once.
  • No grid. No grid has been applied so the whole layout looks chaotic and disordered.
  • Neglecting the font design mis-conveys the information because nothing stands out. Users fail to tell the sequence of importance of the information.
  • Lack of color contrast makes the ticket lacks sense of beauty.

I started researching and analysing about the elements I am not familiar with, then catagorized the elements into:

  • Information for a passenger: Name, Gate, Boarding time, Flight number, Departure , Destination, Seat, Bags
  • Information for airport staff: TSA check, Docs, BCN, Booking number, date, barcode
  • Airlines branding information: Logo, skyteam membership

To understand what will be the most important elements for a passenger and re-design the hierarchy, I imagine myself standing in the airport and go through the whole experience from arriving at airport to a desination.

Here is the process I sketched on my notebook:

From this sketch, I noticed the information can be categorized by the journey of a passenger: Airport/security wise and passenger wise; Pre-boarding and after boarding. So I divided the boarding pass to three part and re-design below: 1) information for airport/security. 2) information for passenger before boarding. 3) information for passenger after boarding.

So I sketched a version on my notebook:

Before I started putting it on Illustrator, I did some research about boarding pass of different airlines to find out the most important information in their pespective.

Delta: Gate, Time and Seat are highlighted.

Current version of Delta

American Airlines: Flight, Seat and Time are hightlighted.

Here are my final design:

About this re-design ticket:

  • The first part of the ticket is for airport staff and security/immigration check. I applied the icon “TSA pre” to replace the original word in order to make it concise.
  • The second part is for the passenger before boarding. The gate and boarding time are the most important information they are looking for, so I highlighted the font. I applied an icon of flight to make the ticket looks vivid.
  • The third part is for the passenger after boarding. Seat is the most important information for passenger so I highlighted it. Also, the information of bag is required after arrival so I put it into the third part. I applied some icons to make it looks good.
  • I removed another barcode because it is only required once.

Besides, I designed another version for the branding of the ticket. The color and font are exactly the same one shown on Delta Style Guide.

It is an exciting homework and I really enjoyed the process of re-design it. I love to see things in different perspectives and re-design things we are already familiar with. As a frequent traveller, I am excited to re-design the boarding pass. Also, big thanks to Hayeon Hwang and Winnie Yoe who taught me how to use Adobe Illustrator and helped me to solve problems . This is my very first time to use AI to design something, and I am proud of the result.


Delta Style guide:

Icon source: Google image.

