Back to Basics: 8 Shoes Every Woman Needs In Her Closet

Shoe Lovers Unite
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2017


Trends move quickly. In the age of the Internet, we say hello and goodbye to our fair share of crazes at an alarming rate — think chokers, off-the-shoulder tops and Pokemon Go.

Staying in style has become a challenge. As soon as you find the perfect crop top to match your high-waisted shorts, you blink and it’s over. 2012 called and it wants its favorite peplum back.

This phenomenon begs the question: is trendy worth it?

Staying in style can cost you a lot of cash — and, unless you have Carrie Bradshaw’s closet, you’ll probably run out of space pretty quickly. To be honest, there’s no reason to live with so much excess. You really only need a few versatile pieces to breeze through life, especially when it comes to shoes.

To make your wardrobe planning a little easier, we’ve zeroed in on eight key shoe styles every woman should have in her closet. If you adhere to our foolproof footwear plan, then you’ll always have the perfect pair for any occasion or season.

1. Basic Ballet Flats

Did you know that ballet flats were Audrey Hepburn’s favorite shoe? It’s likely why they are the go-to for any fashion-forward woman who also appreciates comfort. Whether you’re running errands, heading to the office or going out to lunch, these shoes carry you through blister-free. Ballet flats are, and will always be, a classic.

Shop the style — starting at $25

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2. Sneakers

Whether your go-to is a pair of white canvas Chucks or some cute New Balances, having a pair of stylish sneakers is essential for every season. Want ultimate comfort without looking like you just stepped out of the gym? Lace up a pair of Ked’s.

Shop the style — starting at $20

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3. Athletic Shoes

Exercise is incredibly important for your health, so we’d be wrong if we didn’t include athletic shoes on our list. Not sure which pair can best keep you fit? It all depends on your activity. Whether you’re a runner, hiker or just like to hit the weight bench, choose the right pair of lace-ups and get moving.

Shop the style — starting at $80

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4. Wedges

Great wedges are easy to walk in, give you a little extra height and pair just as well with party dresses as they do with casual shorts and denim. If you’re trying to stay minimal, choose a pair of wedges based on your favorite season. Prefer an ankle boot wedge for fall? Choose a suede bootie and rock it. More of a summer gal? If you can’t wait for the seasonal shift to dresses, shorts and tank tops, go for a lighter look.

Shop the style — starting at $50

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5. Sandals

No summer wardrobe is complete without a quality pair of sandals. As a dressy alternative to flip-flops, sandals give you the opportunity to embrace versatility. Most can be worn casually — paired the dark denim or linen shorts — or they can become more chic when matched with a dress or skirt.

Shop the style — starting at $20

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6. Leather Riding Boots

For the cooler months, a pair of boots lends protection from the elements. Practical, affordable and durable, leather riding boots keep you warm and stylish all season long.

Shop the style — starting at $118

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7. Rain Boots

For those who live in a place where inclement weather is the norm, rain boots are a must. Well-made rubber boots — especially from brands like Hunter — can create an effortlessly fashionable outfit, even on a dreary afternoon.

Shop the style — starting at $35

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8. Classic Heel

When has a pair of polished pumps ever let you down? That’s right, never. Choose a neutral — think nude, black or navy — and make an investment in your future. Classic heels will carry you through job interviews, weddings and date nights with ease.

Shop the style — starting at $30

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Functionality and versatility are the keys to choosing a basic shoe wardrobe. If you’re looking to save, but want a shoe collection that will get you through the every day, put down the cheetah print and step away from the pompoms. Muted colors, classic patterns and solids tend to be timeless — so stick to what you know. Splurge on those red stilettos next time.

