Brianna Stearns
Shoot (the photo) first
2 min readFeb 16, 2017


When I got into Arizona State Graduate school I knew that I would be in good hands throughout my academic journey. What I didn’t know was the impact the school’s historical values would hold on me. Walter Cronkite was a name I wasn’t very familiar with before coming to ASU, but quickly learned. He was arguably one of greatest journalist of all time.

Cronkite was known as the “news voice of America” and was one of the most trusted figures in the country. He helped launch the CBS evening news and covered a wide array of topics until his retirement in 1981. After his retirement he continued to do special coverage for CBS and was a part of several other productions.

Cronkite was more than just a public figure to most, he was a crucial element of their daily life. After his passing in 2009 President Obama stated, “But Walter was always more than just an anchor. He was someone we could trust to guide us through the most important issues of the day; a voice of certainty in an uncertain world. He was family. He invited us to believe in him, and he never let us down. This country has lost an icon and a dear friend, and he will be truly missed.”

I haven’t always wanted to be a journalist and this was a struggle when starting my graduate program. All I knew was that I loved to write and wanted my voice to be heard. I was surrounded by others with such a strong passion for journalism and didn’t quite understand in the beginning.

Walter Cronkite’s traits and characteristics are everything I strive to be as a writer. He was honest, level headed, and humble — all while being impartial yet still passionate. I can only hope to impact half as many life’s as he did throughout his career. Throughout my time as a graduate student I have struggled, been down on myself, and questioned many decisions. Each and every time I think back to the courageous man that my own school is named after.

Cronkite may have passed away but he continues to impact my journalistic talents daily. I am constantly reminded what it takes to be a successful and reputable journalist every day while walking through the building. The walls are painted with statements that encourage me to be the journalist Cronkite would be proud of.

