Use AMP with Google Shopping (Merchant Center) on Shopify

Augie Gardner
Shop Sheriff
Published in
6 min readDec 27, 2019
How to use AMP with Google Shopping / Google Merchant Center on Shopify

Using AMP for Shopify to run Google Ads with Google Merchant Center is simple with the AMP by Shop Sheriff Shopify app. By using AMP, you can send mobile Google Shopping visitors directly to your blazing-fast AMP pages when someone clicks on your Google Shopping result. And by using AMP by Shop Sheriff, you can create the most beautiful and high-performing AMP pages that score 100% on GTMetrix’s speed test.

Key points:

  • Yes! AMP for Google Merchant Center can redirect all mobile visitors to your blazing-fast AMP pages.
  • This tutorial will be covering how to create a “mobile link” field within Google Merchant Center. This is the field we need to add to our Google Merchant Center feed.
  • You can use AMP pages on desktop, too (if you wish), and by using Shop Sheriff, you have the most desktop-ready responsive AMP pages right out of the box. This tutorial, however, will be to allow you to use AMP for mobile visitors.

How it works:

Before we jump into the tutorial, here is a high level overview of how the process works.

  • The Google Shopping Shopify app will create a feed for your products in your Merchant Center account.
  • After feeding your products into Merchant Center from the Google Shopping Shopify app, each product will automatically have a “link” attribute. This is a standard attribute for every item in Merchant Center.
  • We will be creating a second attribute called a “mobile link” which will point to your AMP pages created by Shop Sheriff. Google will use this value to send mobile users to this AMP URL.
  • Instead of manually putting the AMP URL in every “mobile link” field, we will be creating a rule to automatically populate this field. This will save us tons of time and make the process super simple.
  • We can test the results before applying the changes to our existing Merchant Center feed.


1. Navigate to your “Products > Feeds” tab in Google Merchant Center

2. Click on “Content API”. This is your feed as imported from the Google Merchant Center Shopify app.

3. Click on “FEED RULES”.

4. Click “CREATE RULE” to begin creating your Merchant Center rule.

5. Find and select “mobile link” under “Processed attributes”. You can easily find this by searching for “mobile link” within the text field that pops up.

6. Click on “Set to”.

7. Click the text box labelled “Set to”. Find and select “link” under “Processed attributes”.

Click the blue “OK” box that now appears after selecting “link”.

8. Now click “ADD MODIFICATION” under the “Modifications” heading, on the left.

9. Select “Find & Replace” in order to begin creating our modification.

10. Replace /products/ with /a/s/products/. To do this, click on the text box under “Find” and enter /products/ without quotes. Next, click on the text box under “Replace with” and enter /a/s/products/ without quotes.

When you’re done, click the blue “OK” button at the bottom.

10. Click the blue “SAVE AS DRAFT” button the the top action bar.

You have now successfully saved your Rule, however, it has not been applied. The next steps will help you verify and apply the changes.

11. Click “TEST CHANGES”. This will take some time for Google to generate your test feed.

Google will now begin generating a test feed so that you can view the results before applying them to your existing feed. Depending on your number of products, this will take time. The average time is about 10–30 minutes. It’s important to test your changes, so be sure to do this, and view the results.

12. Click “SHOW TEST” to view your new test results.

13. Verify the test results by checking the “New: mobile link” column.

When Google finishes generating your test feed, make sure that the new “mobile link” field is proper. Be sure to test several of your new “mobile link” links by navigating to them in your browser and make sure they are valid links. If they go to AMP pages then you have set the rule up properly.

14. Click “APPLY” to apply the Merchant Center Rule to your Feed.

You’re done! You have successfully added AMP pages as your “mobile link” field within Google Shopping. Once Google updates your Google Shopping results, mobile clicks will be sent directly to your AMP pages.

How long does it take to see my AMP pages in Google Shopping results?

You’ll probably be itching to see mobile clicks going to AMP pages on existing Google Shopping results. Like all updates with Google, this does take time to go live on existing Shopping results. The time frame varies, but it depends on how fast Google updates your shopping results based on your new feed. We have seen this happen within the same day, but we recommend waiting a few days before checking. The AMP for Shopify app doesn’t control how fast or how slow it takes for these updates to go into effect, so it’s best to contact Google Merchant Center if you have any concerns regarding this time frame.

Will Google Shopping results show the AMP Badge?

No, although your Google Shopping visitors will be able to go directly to your blazing fast AMP pages, Google Shopping doesn’t currently show the AMP badges for any AMP-enabled Google Shopping results. This may change in the future, as we know that Google has done some testing regarding their Google Shopping search results appearances.

I still need help, how can I contact Shop Sheriff?

We’re here to help! Head over to our homepage to access our live chat, or submit a contact ticket on our contact page. You can also email us directly at: Lastly, if you have installed our AMP for Shopify app, you can also navigate to our in-app support page.

Shop Sheriff creates world-class Shopify apps like AMP and PWA for the ultimate mobile-first Shopify store.

Download AMP | Download PWA

Read: Google rates Shop Sheriff the #1 most recommended AMP for Shopify solution.

Read: Should you use AMP for Shopify?

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