Diary study for ShopBack OMO affiliate product — SBMart (part 2/3)

Amy Huang
ShopBack Tech Blog


中文版 — ShopBack 日誌研究: OMO聯盟行銷 — 發票回饋 (Part 2/3)
Check out Part 1 here!


From the last blog post, we shared why we choose a Diary study as the research method and how to plan a Diary study. In this article, we will share how we collect and analyze data.


Gaps between Diary study and 1-on-1 interviews should be as short as possible

After all the tasks were designed and materials were prepared, the users started their data collection by receiving a package from us, which included:

  1. Greeting letter, instruction, examples
  2. Shopping trip 1
  3. Sealed envelope with 1 printed physical campaign flyer
  4. Shopping trip 2
  5. Shopping trip 3

Left, middle: user unpacks the package, Right: user reports the shopping trip through Line

Users were first guided to read through the greeting letter which included instructions with examples about how the diary study works. The three shopping journeys are very much the same, the only difference is the first shopping journey and the third shopping journey:

  • Shopping trip 1 — Users are given a flyer sealed in the envelope, they can only open it on the first shopping trip — it is meant to simulate the current marketing campaign we are conducting in supermarkets.
  • Shopping trip 2 — Users can decide whether they want to use SBMart or not.
  • Shopping trip 3 — Users are requested to use SBMart during the last shopping trip. We would like to learn more about how the users learn SBMart from the forced situation and to know how they overcome the struggles.

Data collection

Though we called it unmoderated research for this diary study, the chat app allows researchers to ask follow-up questions within a limited timeframe. Compared to conventional analog diary studies, chat apps can be used for more than data collection — it can be used to increase users’ confidence and make them feel like they are heard when proceeding with the missions.

Data analysis

Although there are things we need to improve, the diary study provided fruitful data via text messages and pictures from the user’s day-to-day life. When analyzing data we use Figjam to visualize pictures, text messages and start from a high level. In each shopping trip, if users completed the shopping trips with SBMart, we then proceeded to dig a little deeper to further understand users’ challenges and causes for drop-offs and successes respectively.

Analysis and synthesis in Figjam

After data analysis, researchers may have more questions come up. Researchers leave their questions marked on each user’s profile, then further clarify it in scheduled 1-on-1 interviews. The interviews were scheduled the same week in which users submitted their last shopping trip diaries, as we wanted to maintain the momentum and interview users while their memory was still fresh.

— to be continued.

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中文版 — ShopBack 日誌研究: OMO聯盟行銷 — 發票回饋 (Part 2/3)



Kick-off 研究開始

Gaps between Diary study and 1-on-1 interviews should be as short as possible


  1. 歡迎信,包含了指示和範例。
  2. 購物旅程1的指示
  3. 信封封起來的實體傳單
  4. 購物旅程2的指示
  5. 購物旅程3的指示
Left, middle: user unpack the package, Right: user report the shopping trip through Line


購物旅程1 — 用戶僅可以在店門外打開裝著實體傳單的牛皮紙信封。目的是為了要模擬當時行銷團隊正在執行的超市傳單分發活動。

購物旅程3 — 第三次旅程之前用戶不會被要求使用ShopBack發票回饋,我們想要學習用戶在前兩次經驗後,第三次的強迫性如何讓他們解除難關。


雖然我們把這種研究稱為未管理(unmoderated)的研究,但通訊軟體來當作搜集資料的工具,可以讓研究員在很短的時間中提問補充性的問題。比較過去實體的日誌研究,通訊軟體的價值多過於回報系統而已; 在日誌研究,它的互動性在資料收集的過程中,可以讓用戶覺得他們的聲音有被聽到,並且建立用戶的信心。

資料分析Data analysis

這個日誌研究藉由用戶主動使用Line傳送訊息和情境圖片以紀錄他們日常的生活購物場景,這些資料為研究團隊帶來了充沛的資訊。收回來資料後,我們便開始分析資料,我們運用Figjam去視覺化我們的資料下圖您可以看到,我們將用戶傳回的三次購物旅程中的照片還有訊息,條例化的去分析。最開始的時候我們會看比較高的層級- 在每個購物旅程中,用戶是否完成我們給他的任務?爾後才會往下鑽研用戶在完成任務中的痛點還有挑戰,甚至流失的原因。

Analysis and synthesis in Figjam

分析完日誌研究的資料後,研究員雖然會有一個比較具體的方向,但同時也會有更多疑問產出 — 我們便將產出的問題記錄在準備好的1對1訪綱中,以便我們後續澄清這些問題。一對一的訪談會在完成任務的同一週執行,因為我們想要趁用戶記憶還新鮮的時候好好和他們聊一聊。

— — — — — — — 更多內容請期待下篇。

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