A Brand New Look for our New Hire Welcome Kit

Shopee Design
Shopee Design
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies around the globe to transition to a more remote workforce. As we embrace this new normal, one of our biggest changes is using remote onboarding to get our new hires up to speed.

This shift posed a great challenge for us, as we strive to make our employees feel just as welcomed and excited as they would in a regular onboarding orientation.

What more, with the battle for talents skyrocketing throughout the years, the employer-employee dynamic has shifted, too. The obligation to impress is no longer the employee’s alone to shoulder; it is becoming increasingly crucial for companies to form an excellent first impression to retain these talents.

Revamping Our New-Hire Merchandise

The company swag new employees receive on their first day at work needs to represent the culture we wish to promote. In the same way a firm handshake creates an excellent first impression, a tasteful welcome kit is likely to reflect how an employee sees and feels about working with us right from the get-go.

In other words, making our new hires feel welcomed isn’t as easy as tossing them a set of branded t-shirts and calling it a day — lots of thoughts and iterations went into the design process.

With the rapid expansion of Sea Group and its associated companies, it is important that we do not give out Sea Group merchandise. This creates a disconnection between the employees and the subsidiary company they were hired for. Instead, our goal was to produce custom merchandise for these subsidiaries: Shopee, AirPay, SeaMoney, Foody, and Ocha, while maintaining a uniform design throughout.

Here’s a closer look:

SeaMoney merchandise
Shopee merchandise

Tote bags

We love tote bags; you can never go wrong with tote bags. Apart from being practical, they are also a fantastic branding opportunity. The idea is that your employees will carry these tote bags out in public. Whether it is just for a quick lunch break or a grocery run, it gets your brand out there.


These notebooks were designed to reinforce our company values by displaying them on the inner cover. It serves as a reminder to employees about what we stand for.

So what do you think about our new hire welcome kit? Let us know in the comments below!

See yourself as our newest team member? Find out about the latest opportunities at careers.shopee.sg.

Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Shopee connects shoppers, brands and sellers across Asia and other fast-growing markets, empowering anyone to buy and sell anywhere and at any time.

Shopee offers an easy, secure, and engaging experience that is enjoyed by millions of people daily. It offers a wide product assortment, supported by integrated payments and logistics, as well as popular entertainment features tailored for each market. Shopee is also a key contributor to the region’s digital economy with a firm commitment to helping brands and entrepreneurs succeed in e-commerce.

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