Do What Business Giants Do For Growth

Behavioral Design and User Psychology!

Shopify Society
4 min readJan 31, 2022


Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

E-commerce is eating up the retail world right now. The digital world is an exciting place to be, with business owners beginning their very own digital brands and contending in the digital marketplace. Even most brick-and-mortar stores have been pushed into creating an online presence. But it is not always easy to hit it big online! You have to know the trade secrets if you want to make it to the top.

There are two things you have to remember when starting an eCommerce Business:

Behavioral Design

“Don’t find customers for your products. Find products for your customers.” — Seth Godin.

Design affects behavior. If you know how to influence behavior, you can also design for behavior. However, true behavioral design is about a huge change: it’s how people buy, how they choose, what triggers their motivations. This is where the lost layer of behavioral design comes into play: drawing conclusions from the motivations behind people’s buying decisions, tapping into the psychology of human nature that drives actions, both good and bad.


Popups are one of the major aspects of behavioral design. Here’s what no one in eCommerce wants to hear: Prospects leave websites in droves, and most never return. There are plenty of reasons why visitors leave:

  • They are not swayed by your offer
  • They are not the right fit
  • They are distracted
  • They feel rushed

Regardless, it doesn’t take a scientist to point out that re-engaging abandoning visitors could dramatically impact your conversion rates. This is where popups come in.

Website popups offer a second chance for your audience to convert. And also, by focusing the visitor’s attention on just one timely, suitable and valuable offer, your chances of conversion go through the roof.

Here’s one example: Upon noticing the shipping costs associated with their order, a potential customer might decide to abandon the sale. Executing a popup offering a deal on shipping could prevent them from abandoning the cart and have them close the sale.

Now popups are also something that needs to be implemented carefully. They need to be appealing vs. annoying. For this to happen, you need an expert, someone who specializes in popups and makes it a boon for your brand. With Tada, not only can you choose the type of popup that fits your audience best, but you can also edit the design, text, logo, placement, triggers, and frequency to match your audience’s tastes and preferences. And you will be able to do so easily from Tada’s app settings in Shopify. No coding knowledge is required.

User Psychology

To be a successful seller, you need to consider the simple factors that shape human behavior, including emotions and impulses, and use them to inspire prospective customers to buy. Besides higher sales, utilizing buyer psychology has many benefits, like providing an exceptional user experience, bonding better with buyers, and meeting customers’ needs.

Here are a few behavioral elements major companies use:

UX Design

The field of UX design is vast and expansive. It impacts every organization in the world. No business remains untouched by modern design sensibilities. Customers love a great user experience. If you are looking to funnel traffic toward a desired action, like making a purchase, you have to optimize UX. If site visitors get confused, they can leave. Site navigation should always be easy. You have to make it clear what your business does on your website.

Emphasize what your brand does on your site. What is evident to you might not be evident to someone else. How did they come to this landing page? Why is the landing page content significant? Use a clear, concise call to action (CTA).

You also need to make sure the shopping cart is easy to access and view. The checkout process has to be direct. Nobody wants to deal with checkout processes that can make purchasing your product harder than it really needs to be. Embed interactive content into your website. This includes games, animated images, and videos. Simple changes that help:

  • Always use A/B testing to figure out what works best.
  • Including elements that convey the content in multiple ways like video, audio, or text.
  • Including tabs to organize tons of information in a more easy-to-understand format.
  • A single-page checkout to keep it simple.


Online shoppers imagine e-commerce stores to offer products and deals according to their preferences. They desire customized homepages and tailored lists of suggested products. Hence, e-commerce stores should focus on offering the most personalized user experience as it is a critical variable for the success and revenue growth of the business. Research has shown that 65% of online retailers witnessed an increase in the conversion rate by executing a smart customization strategy.

How do you Personalize?

  • Create Personalized Homepages
  • Offer Personalized Guides
  • Display Recently Viewed Items
  • Personalize Product Pages Based on Location
  • Create Special Campaigns Based on User Behavior
  • Get Personal in Email Marketing
  • Make More Personal Recommendations

Amazon is an excellent example of personalization. Since it sells pretty much everything, it can be overwhelming for the customers to sort through a myriad of products. Therefore, Amazon creates customized homepages for individual users, which gives them a logical starting point for their buying journey.

Final thoughts

Be it Ikea, Amazon, Walmart, or Starbucks, and every big eCommerce company uses all those mentioned above and more. But, if you are looking to start your own brand online, you might consider the UX design and popups for your eCommerce website. Not only are they low maintenance, but you can also score plenty of customers just like that! You can easily establish a strong customer base, and the rest will be history.



Shopify Society

A journey of business growth and conversion begins at Tada. Engage, interact, and convert your Shopify visitors into recurring customers.