The Boring Side of Business: Compliance

Let’s talk about it and get over with it

Shopify Society
5 min readMar 15, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Web accessibility is all about making the Web accessible to everyone, especially those with disabilities, allowing them to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the Web. The disabilities have everything covered, including physical, auditory, speech, neurological, and cognitive. Unfortunately, the majority of Websites have some or the other kind of accessibility barrier, making it difficult for a disabled person to use their site. Web accessibility assists in making sure that people with all kinds of disabilities do not face these roadblocks when using the Web.

What Are They Missing Out by Not Paying Attention to Accessibility?

A Large Chunk of Customers

It’s a myth that web accessibility only benefits disabled people or people suffering from sensory, cognitive, or motor impairments. In reality, making your website accessible means it’s easier for everyone to use. Different situations and environments influence how a person uses a website. Some people may be temporarily disabled through a broken arm or by cataracts, and accessibility is their way out. In this way, your accessibility features can be of use to everyone at some point! Not including it might be costing you a large portion of customers.

A Chance to Offer Value

Did you know that 98% of the world’s topmost one million websites don’t provide full accessibility? WebAIM’s report in 2020 found that most websites don’t offer a completely accessible experience. Or, put in another way, less than 2% of the world’s one million websites are making the most of the disability market!

People respect a brand/ website that takes a conscious effort. Making your website ADA (American Disability Act) compliant can only add a feather to your cap. It is an inclusive way of creating a lasting impact on any impaired or otherwise visitor. When a disabled person is able to utilize a website without feeling out of place, you know you have created something valuable.

Making your website accessible also helps you stand out in comparison to your rivals. You ask how? Well, with an inclusive website, you can capture the larger audience which your non-inclusive competitor is basically missing out on. Hence, instead of spending huge amounts of money and time on marketing efforts to get your product in front of a larger audience, you can easily gain a major chunk of new customers just by making your website accessible.

What Are The Benefits of Doing This?

Let’s explore the benefits of making your website accessible!

For Your Search Engine Optimization

The web accessibility icon allows websites to be more accessible and feasible for users. Incorporating a web accessibility icon can automatically detect your website by making it to the search engine optimization (SEO) ranking. Ensuring your website complies with the ADA helps you serve a higher number of audiences and gives a boost to your search engine rankings. This is because most of the necessary components of making your website ADA compliant feed directly into SEO best practices.

The Web Accessibility Icon is Attractive

If you are an artist or an organizer, you know that extra features, add ons, and touch-ups add a beautiful look to your pieces. When it comes to a website, bringing in a few additional features can be attractive. An attractive website automatically can make users stay for long, making them come back too! Graphics, images, word art, videos, sounds, speech, etc., are exciting and excellent reasons for visiting your website.

There Are Legal Requirements

Different areas and even countries have created laws regarding the accessibility icon to be fair for everyone to avail content/information from the websites. For example, sites are to receive funding in the U.S. if they introduce the feature in their website to encourage the developers to take action. Additionally, sites designed for educational purposes have to have an accessibility icon so that every student can benefit from the opportunity. Getting the legal requirements right may be costly because it might require you to have a legal expert review your website. However, the cost will justify and compensate any major cost that might incur if you ever face a legal lawsuit.

It’s Not Just about Blind People

The web accessibility icon is not just for people with disabilities. It is an additional feature that can be used by the general public as well. It enhances your website, making it possible for various users around the world. For example, a person might understand a specific language but might not be able to read it. Text-to-speech features can help them use the information from your site. Essentially, it will help you attract a good amount of audience.

How Can Accessibility Spark Simplify It For You?

Accessibility Spark is transforming web accessibility for Shopify stores by replacing a costly, manual process with an automated, state-of-the-art AI technology. This tool helps you create a more accessible browsing experience while increasing compliance requirements.

Your Legal Expert

Accessibility spark works as your legal expert and evaluates your website thoroughly and provides the necessary recommendations and changes which would have cost you quite a lot if you had to hire a legal expert! It basically is your savior!

Multiple Accessibility Adjustments

This web accessibility tool includes different adjustments like text size, page structure, reading guide, invert colors, dark and light contrasts, accessible fonts, etc.!

Powered by A.I. Technology

The tool is able to handle keyboard navigation and screen reader optimization for the blind and motor-impaired. This is through the use of A.I. technology which analyzes your website and remediates accessibility violations in elements on your site.

Customizable Interface

Their customizable interface is the game-changer for your website as it can easily adapt to your website design from shapes, sizes, icons, colors, and more.

Perfect for Different Disabilities

Always choose a tool that can deal with different disabilities rather than specializing in just one! That is what Accessibility Spark does! It helps with motor & mobility, aging, color blindness, blindness, blurred vision, epilepsy, etc.

In a Nutshell

So, not only will you get it over with, you will love it! Accessibility can become your website’s most attractive feature even before you realize it!



Shopify Society

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