The Position of Pop-up Stirs Up the Result

Where to place them and how to use them!

Shopify Society
6 min readFeb 4, 2022


Marketers are relentlessly scrambling for fresh tactics to put potential customers and first-time visitors on a path to purchase. But, perhaps the right approach to winning customers’ attention needs to go back in time. Reaching customers today means putting forth personalized offers front-and-center while also asking for their permission. That’s where eCommerce popups come into play.

Popups still remain a necessity of eCommerce for a reason. Millions of sites are witness to that. That is because popups have come a long way in terms of style and sophistication.

Let’s discuss two important factors that play a role in popups’ success.

When they appear

Timing can make all the difference. Popups, if implemented correctly, can drive the best user browsing experience. However, if you do it wrong, expect to have a low conversion rate. To overcome this, study your audience’s behavior and come up with a list of triggers to help you execute your popups at the right time. Here are a few whens’ of your popups:

· As soon as they enter your website (homepage popup)

· While browsing through the products (Product page popup)

· As soon as they try to abandon the cart (Exit intent popup)

· During the checkout process (Checkout page popup)

How they appear

Location is another important factor here. How do you plan on doing it?

Here are a few examples of how they can appear:

· A full-blown popup

· A small slide-in popup and the top or bottom

· A popup on either side

All these need to be decided upon research and trials.

What kind of content do they offer

Normal or interactive? Is your popup meant to relay information about a sale, or a similar product, or is it trying to engage your visitor in a game or quiz?

Now that we know the hows, whens, and whats of popups, let’s spend some time understanding the whens aspect.

Homepage popups

No surprises here! Entry popups appear when one lands on your site for the first time. Most websites fail to convert theirs on their very first visit. With the forever-rising number of e-commerce sites, today’s online shoppers have never-ending options. Here are some types of homepage popups that can help you turn your first-time visitor into a customer:

Giveaway/Gift Popups

One of the best techniques is on-site giveaways. When done appropriately, giveaways can help you get email subscribers who are keenly interested in your products and want to know about your future offers.

If you do not want to offer discounts on every single signup, giveaway popups can be your go-to tool. With Tada, you get interactive and incentivizing pop-ups that blend with your website’s theme and offer a seamless experience to your customers. When everyone is offering gifts and discounts, Tada kindles a sense of achievement with rewards.

Lead Magnet Popups

Lead magnets are free incentives you offer to your website visitors in exchange for their email addresses and names. Their free stuff doesn’t mean all your visitors will sign up for your email list. The only way to get your visitor’s email address is to offer them something valuable. So if you want them to really go for it, you need an attractive lead magnet. So, what (in your lead magnet) might attract your visitors? The design, color, and not to mention your email popup offer should appeal to a potential client immediately. The best example for lead magnet popups are Sign Up or Opt-In Incentives, Freemiums, Content Upgrades, etc. These options would definitely motivate them to sign up.

Product Page Popups

This popup serves the purpose of solving your visitors’ problems, suggesting better or related products, or guiding them to the right products.

Discount Popups

Discounting is a risky game. Offer it too regularly, and your visitors will start expecting it all the time. But do not use an incentive at all, and your signups will likely take a hit. While many e-tailers choose to give an immediate discount code upon signup, that’s not your only option. If you don’t want to discount your products or can’t afford to offer vouchers that’ll hurt your profit margins, you can collect emails with the promise of something more like giving an exclusive sneak peek or samples. Thus encouraging them to signup.

Contact Popups

Popups aren’t only for collecting emails or pushing discount codes to your visitors. When used correctly, popups can help solve your visitors’ problems with an option to connect with you directly. Like having a contact form to enquire about your services and products. This also removes obstacles to buying, if needed. With a well-timed contact popup, you can easily offer help when needed and guide your visitors to better buying decisions.

The popups in this section can go either way. The customer might welcome your suggestions or get annoyed. This is it is important to tackle it with more just practicality. When you opt for a brand like Tada, which understands what it takes to make the visitor feel comfortable as well as thrilled about your brand, it becomes all too easy for you.

Checkout Popups

Exit or checkout popups are by far the most important ones. Although they do manage to hold in some visitors, most online users agree upon the fact that this technique should never have been created. Mainly because no matter how fantastic the offer is, if it appears right when you’re about to leave, it will piss you off. That’s why the only way to optimize your popup game and use this strategy correctly is by making the approach less annoying. Platforms like Tada help you create resourceful full-screen popups that help capture the attention of anyone who takes a glance.

Think about it this way. Even if your user gets irritated and starts looking for a button to close the popup right away, once they manage to read your message, you want them to think ‘that wasn’t that bad, or ‘I should give this a try.

Now, there are a couple of reasons why your customers abandon shopping carts in your store:

● Unexpected costs

● Not prepared for a purchase

● Doesn’t qualify for free shipping

If you need a quick and easy way to address these concerns, you have to use an eCommerce checkout page popup.

Exit-intent popups appear right when your shopper is about to leave your eCommerce site. It works by detecting the mouse cursor as it heads to the top of the browser window. Displaying an exit popup with a targeted offer can inspire your shopper to complete their purchase. Tada understands this and creates pop-ups that will make it difficult for the customer to leave without taking up your exit-intent offer.

In a Nutshell

Popups can only be worth your while if you know how and when to use them. It is indeed a weapon of mass attraction. And this is where Tada comes in, specialists in popups, and their art lies in creating the right ones for your website. Need a wheel of coupons popups or pick a gift popup or something more elegant? Find it all covered and one-stop solution for your timely popups designed for conversion while providing engaging, non-intrusive popups. And see the visitors turn to users!



Shopify Society

A journey of business growth and conversion begins at Tada. Engage, interact, and convert your Shopify visitors into recurring customers.