You Can’t Have The Perfect Business Website Without A/B Testing

Why this is so important in 2022

Shopify Society
4 min readFeb 15, 2022


What is A/B testing?

Intuition can help you make business decisions, but research methodologies like A/B testing are what you need for conversions and user behavior. If you don’t test, you might never know what is and isn’t working for your users.

A/B testing is a process of testing the original website design named ‘control’ through another version called ‘variation.’ This ‘variation’ design has one or more landing page elements altered in placement, function, or structure compared to ‘control.’

What Are The Elements You Can Test?

You can utilize A/B testing to optimize different elements like:

  • Page layout and length
  • Headlines and sub-headlines
  • Forms
  • CTAs
  • Website navigation
  • Media (video, gif, infographic)

Understanding and collecting data is more essential than ever in the current economy. You may have used promising Shopify apps but didn’t know if they really were worth the cost in the end? Tada solves this problem by giving you essential KPIs for your business growth.

Who Needs It?

Shopify store owners, of course! Creating an online eCommerce store needs to be more than just listing your products and having a website. While we’re clear on who needs it, we need to understand why they need it!

Website optimization

Irrespective of what everyone says, content is important. Who likes websites with errors, ineffective language, and dull content? This is why A/B testing could be your best bet! The process of creating, considering, and evaluating makes the final versions better for users. Your website will gain more engagement altogether.

Better user experience

When your website is optimized, it automatically leads to a better user experience. Elements of an app, page, ad, or email that can be A/B tested include headlines or subject line, call-to-action (CTA) forms, imagery, layout, language, fonts, and colors. Testing one change at a time shows which affected users’ behavior and which did not. Updating the experience with the “winning” changes improves the overall user experience, ultimately optimizing it for success.

High converting web pages

So, better UX can result in a good number of recurring visitors! A/B testing is the easiest and most effective method to determine the best content to convert visits into purchases and sign-ups. Knowing what works and what does not can help convert more leads. The learnings from A/B testing successfully applied to one experience can be used to further experiences, including pages for higher-priced products and services! Better engagement on these pages demonstrates similar lifts in conversions.

Saves money and time on marketing resources

Now that you’ve understood what’s working for you, you can responsibly invest in the right resources. A/B testing lets businesses save money by recognizing processes offering better returns. No two marketing campaigns offer similar returns, one will always somehow be better than the other one. Through A/B testing data science, businesses will be able to find the one that offers better returns and get rid of the process offering lower returns, and spend the money where it pays more.

How does A/B Testing help with conversion?

Creating a website or an email marketing campaign is only the first step in marketing. Once you have your website, you will want to know if it helps or hinders sales. A/B testing lets you know which words, phrases, images, testimonials, videos, and other elements work best. Even the simplest changes can affect conversion rates. One test even showed that a red CTA button outperformed a green one by 21% based on 2,000 page visits. If a minor change like that can get people to click, you’ll want to know which other elements of your page can have an impact on conversions, traffic, and other metrics.

Trident AB gives you the flexibility to determine what elements you want to test, which users to target, and how many variants to include. On their analytics dashboard, you will be able to see the impact these changes have on your most important business metrics, such as revenue and engagement, and whether or not they are statistically significant. Once you find the version that converts best, you can implement them widely with just one click!

Investment Vs. Returns

Let’s say you spend $5000 per month for straight 6 months on A/B testing through a freelancer or an agency, then you can expect a 10% increase in revenue, which is $200,000 a year!! The whole eCommerce agrees that this is a great ROI and also worth it!

In a Nutshell

So, now you know why you need A/B testing for your website. Your life becomes smoother and you don’t have to bang your head on the wall every time you draw a blank on which tools to use, which font to go for, or which CTA would work for you! Go ahead and take it up right away!



Shopify Society

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