Short lists and childcare

Greg Thorpe
Shopify HR
Published in
1 min readNov 21, 2017

True story. Last Thursday morning, a candidate coming in for short list interviews that day emailed us. He had to cancel, he said. He was super-apologetic, but explained that unexpectedly, he had childcare issues.

Don’t stress it, we said. Come on in anyway — the team is really looking forward to meeting you. We’ll take care of it. And we did.

One of our amazing TA team met the candidate and his child at reception, and took care of the kid for the morning while the candidate interviewed. Mostly, that meant playing video games. 😀

Bear in mind that the Shopify ‘babysitter’ had an insane amount on her plate that day already…but helping this candidate was important, so that’s what she did. She wasn’t told to do it….she didn’t even have to ask permission to do it….she just saw the need, so she did it.

Because that’s what we do. Within TA at Shopify, we tell (and show) candidates what it’s like to work here. And what we do is representative of what happens everywhere else in the company. That’s just the way we roll.

Want to experience this for yourself? We’re hiring in all of our offices, across a broad range of disciplines. Get in touch and we’ll tell you more.

