Top Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

Muhammad Shahzad
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2024

Digital marketing is constantly evolving with new technologies, strategies, and consumer behaviors. As we move into 2024, several key trends are emerging that smart digital marketers should have on their radar.

Understanding and adapting to these new digital marketing trends will be essential for successfully connecting with audiences, generating leads, and growing business in the coming year. This article outlines some of the top trends to keep an eye on.

Shift Toward More Video Marketing

Video marketing is already hugely popular, but expect it to become even more predominant in 2024. With faster mobile data speeds and more platforms supporting video content, consumers are engaging with videos more than ever before.

Marketers will need to emphasize video in their digital marketing mix to capture audience attention. This includes techniques like:

Live Video Streaming

Live streaming makes events or everyday content interactive and authentic. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram Live make streaming accessible for businesses of any size to try out.

Short-Form Social Videos

Attention spans are declining. Short videos under 60 seconds tend to grab attention and drive sharing on places like TikTok or YouTube Shorts. Fun content can be created quickly through these formats.

Educational Tutorial Videos

How-to videos and video tutorials can effectively educate audiences about using products or services while establishing your brand as an authority.

Growth of Voice Search Optimization

Voice search usage has expanded rapidly with the rise of voice assistants like Alexa and Siri. It’s estimated that over 50% of searches will be voice searches by 2024.

Digital marketing strategies will need to optimize for voice search to reach target users. Some key differences in voice search include:

  • More natural language search queries
  • Increased use of long-tail keywords
  • Higher reliance on featured snippets and structure data markup.

Brands optimizing content for voice search can gain visibility in voice assistant results and expand reach.

Expansion of Augmented Reality (AR) Marketing

Augmented reality (AR) overlays digital elements onto the real-world environment. AR marketing is surging as the technology becomes more advanced and accessible.

There are diverse options for brands to explore AR experiences:

  • AR apps that allow users to visualize products in their own space before buying.
  • AR effects and lenses for social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.
  • Location-based AR experiences in retail spaces or events.

As consumers increasingly engage with AR-enabled content, marketers can make their messaging more interactive and breakthrough clutter.

The Growth of Connected TV (CTV) Advertising

Connected TV (CTV) advertising spend expanded over 40% year-over-year in 2022. The growth will continue as more households shift to internet-connected televisions and streaming services.

Unlike traditional TV, CTV allows brands much more flexibility and precision for ad targeting. Marketers are finding CTV campaigns effective for:

  • Targeting specific demographics like millennials who use streaming services.
  • Remarketing to past website visitors across devices.
  • Running direct-response ads focused on conversions.

The personalized, measurable capabilities of CTV advertising will make it an increasingly vital digital marketing channel.

Importance of Privacy-Focused Marketing

Data privacy is at the forefront of consumers’ minds after policy changes like GDPR and major social platforms emphasizing privacy. Apple’s policy changes around ad tracking and targeting caused many brands to re-evaluate their approaches.

Moving forward, consumers will share less data which makes acquisition more difficult. Digital marketers need to adapt to new privacy restrictions by:

  • Relying more on context than personal data for ad targeting.
  • Developing first-party data strategies to build direct customer relationships.
  • Crafting relevant messaging to break through without seeming intrusive.

The brands that earn consumer trust through ethical use of their data will sustain the most marketing success long-term.


Major shifts in technology, platforms, and privacy policies are transforming digital marketing’s playing field. But innovations also bring opportunities for brands willing to evolve their strategies. Video marketing, voice search optimization, augmented reality, connected TV advertising, and privacy-focused practices represent some of the key trends that will shape marketing success in 2024 and beyond.

By understanding these core trends and steadily focusing efforts in these areas, digital marketers can drive more value and stay ahead of changes in the years to come. The marketing winners will be those embracing new spaces to creatively engage customers without losing sight of their data ethics and privacy commitments in our increasingly transparent digital world.

Enhance your online presence and establish a strong digital footprint with the expert digital marketing services offered by Shopistan. Our customized strategies are designed to unleash the full potential of your brand, guaranteeing a dynamic and engaging online profile amidst the constantly evolving digital landscape of today.



Muhammad Shahzad
Writer for

Digital Marketing guru, expert in SEO, PPC, and analytics. Drives growth and engagement, pens industry articles, and embraces lifelong learning.