Not All Ads Stick. Why Is That?

Sean R.
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

A major ad campaign plastered over a subway car may get thousands of views but even those can flop. So how can you improve the effectiveness of your advertisements — in print and online? Below are a couple reasons why they may not be sticking.

It’s Not Personally Relatable

Lets compare two ads. One for bedsheets that states “1000 count sheets” and another with “quality you can feel”. Among the two simple statements, which has left more of a lasting impression? The difference is that one lists features, where the other projects a feeling. One that speaks in experience and the other in manufacturer specs.

When posting your next ad, test one of each!

It Doesn’t Seem Popular

“Well, how many reviews does it have?” It’s called Social Acknowledgment and it’s how many individuals make decisions on product. As business owners we understand the benefits of our products. It’s better in this way, it’ll improve that, and so on. However, many individuals will seek confirmation from others that a product has done well, instead of trying the product based purely on its benefits alone.

Launching the same ad on multiple platforms (Google + Facebook + Social Media Influencers, etc) can give the sense that a brand or product is being talked about or noticed by others. In many ways to give you an extra little boost when you’re looking for initial customers and reviews.

Don’t worry about attempting to gather up everyone who views your advertisement. For one it’ll drive you insane…and two, it’s actually impossible. Instead, focus on the ones who stop by to ask questions and treat them like they’re your only customer. After all, word of mouth is the most powerful advertising method of all…

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