10 Items or Less: Communication is Key

The Instacart Checkout
3 min readJan 27, 2021

The Instacart community is as diverse as the items in the grocery store — every day, tens of thousands of individuals shop, deliver, and become an extension of people’s households. We want to share this community’s stories, highlighting Instacart shoppers, shift leads, and site managers all across North America. 10 Items or Less is a series featuring just some of the amazing members of the Instacart community, sharing their unique experiences and secret sauce with the world.

  1. What’s your name and where are you from? I’m Michael. I was born in SoCal and have been living in Colorado for the past 28 years.
  2. How long have you been working with Instacart, and in what roles? I’ve been a shopper since February 2020.
  3. When and why did you decide to start working with Instacart? I left a job as a general manager of a small restaurant to go to trade school in December 2019. After being back in school, I was working through every delivery app that I could get my hands on to make ends meet. When schools transitioned to remote learning due to the pandemic, I decided to step back from school and just work through the delivery apps. Come to find out I really enjoyed the Instacart app the most! It allows me to help those who are unable to go out and shop on their own due to COVID-19 as well as pay all my bills.
  4. What’s a fun fact that would surprise us about you? I auditioned to be on X Factor.
  5. What’s a shopping tip that a lot of people might not know (your “secret sauce”)? Communication. Text and consider calling the customer. It’s not always about going with a suggested substitute. Sometimes speaking directly with the customer will ensure you have the right information, and it puts them at ease knowing that you’re doing your best to get their order right.
  6. Do you have any relationships you’ve made while working with Instacart? I know several of the employees at Costco by name and vice versa, and have met a few other shoppers along the way who I have quick conversations with when I see them. I’ve also been lucky enough to have several repeat customers.
  7. What’s your most-used Instacart emoji? Thumbs up!
  8. What’s your “side dish” — a hobby, a hidden talent, another job you do on the side? I enjoy working out 4 to 5 times a week at 7am. I also love karaoke!
  9. What’s one piece of guidance or encouragement you would give to our shopper community? I encourage all shoppers to treat the store employees with the utmost respect and kindness, while following all store guidelines and policies. Say hello to as many employees as you can — they can help be your in-store product finders! Remember you are not the only one in the store shopping. Most of all, HAVE FUN!
  10. Anything else you want to share with the shopper community? I feel blessed that I’m able to pay my bills shopping with Instacart. I really love what I do and that I get to help those who are unable to get out and shop for themselves. Be kind to one another and don’t forget to smile behind your mask!

