10 Items or Less: Flexibility, Freedom, and More Time with Family

The Instacart Checkout
2 min readDec 28, 2020

The Instacart community is as diverse as the items in the grocery store — every day, tens of thousands of individuals shop, deliver, and become an extension of people’s households. We want to share this community’s stories, highlighting Instacart shoppers, shift leads, and site managers all across North America. 10 Items or Less is a series featuring just some of the amazing members of the Instacart community, sharing their unique experiences and secret sauce with the world.

  1. What’s your name and where are you from? I’m LaToya, and I’m from Trenton, NJ.
  2. How long have you been working with Instacart, and in what roles? I have been working with Instacart since August of this year. I enjoy delivering batches as a full-service shopper.
  3. When and why did you decide to start working with Instacart? I started Instacart because as a single mom, I have fallen on many hard financial times. I decided to work with Instacart because of the flexibility, freedom and a chance to spend more time with my two children! Instacart allowed me to show my children a sense of entrepreneurship and having faith with a hustler’s mentality.
  4. What’s your favorite thing about working with Instacart? I get to spend more time with my children. I get to drive to nice areas with beautiful houses that we would never get a chance to see with me working from home. Instacart can give you a break from the 9–5 workload.
  5. What 3 items are always in your personal shopping cart? Lotion, juice, and chocolate chip cookies.
  6. What’s a fun fact that would surprise us about you? I have an associate’s degree in Business Management and a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management!
  7. What’s a shopping tip that a lot of people might not know (your “secret sauce”)? If you learn your local store aisles and produce department, after a few trips you are going to soon be faster at Instacart. Work smarter, not harder!
  8. What’s your most-used Instacart emoji? The 🥕 but of course!
  9. What’s your “side dish” — a hobby, a hidden talent, another job you do on the side? I teach English to students from other countries.
  10. Anything else you want to share with the shopper community? Stay safe and always treat others kindly. Have patience and be able to stay focused until a batch is in order and completed! Do you do Instacart? Well, you need to Instastart! 👍🏾

