Instacart Samples 101

Instacart Shopper News
The Instacart Checkout
2 min readAug 30, 2018

You get to the end of a customer’s Instacart order when you are prompted to add a sample. What exactly are samples? Read on to learn more.

Instacart samples are refrigerated or shelf stable items that shoppers place in customer’s orders on behalf of Instacart’s brand partners. Samples can be anything from yogurt to cleaning supplies to coffee. Oftentimes, these samples also come with an insert. The sampling prompt will tell you if the campaign contains an insert only, sample only, or insert and a sample. Samples and inserts are always stored in the staging area.

First time seeing the sampling prompt? We pulled together some tips & tricks to help.

  1. Do I have to participate?

In Store Shoppers are required to participate in all sampling campaigns. Full Service Shoppers can opt out by selecting “not found” when prompted. However, shoppers have found that customers are delighted when they receive free samples with their orders.

2. It’s OK to ask for help

If you’ve never been asked to include a sample before, and aren’t sure where they are stored, head to the staging area or ask any Shift Lead for guidance.

3. Be sure to handle with care

It is important to place the sample within the provided sample bag to ensure safe transport to your customer. If the item requires refrigeration, keep it with other refrigerated items when appropriate. For any cleaning supply samples, be sure to keep them separate from any and all ready to eat food items.

4. Don’t forget the important allergen information

The white sample bags aren’t just a stylistic statement — they include important allergen information about the sample. The sample bags also signify to the customer that the product they are receiving is a free sample and they have not been charged for it.

5. Follow the prompts in the app

The Instacart Shopper App will guide you through the sampling process, including how to mark samples as “found” or “not found.” Please click “not found” in the shopper app if you are unable to locate the sample or if you are a Full Service Shopper choosing to opt out of participating.

6. Remember it is all about the customer

You’ve just shopped for the customer’s grocery order and put in lots of time and effort to make sure to get the order right. Samples are just one more way for you to wow your customer.

