Redesigning the Shopper Experience for More Choice and Clarity

Instacart Shopper News
The Instacart Checkout
3 min readNov 8, 2018

Shoppers choose Instacart as an independent way to fit work around their lives — giving them control over where, when, and how much they shop.

Over the last six months, we’ve been talking to shoppers from around the country about what could make the Instacart experience better, and the feedback was consistent — shoppers want more choice and clarity.

We recently shared that Instacart teams have been shadowing shoppers, getting feedback from surveys and in-person forums, and taking action to make changes shoppers have been asking for. That work continues.

Our goal has always been to build a product that empowers shoppers to get the most out of Instacart, and we believe accepting batches should be simple and easy to understand. We know there are complexities with shopping; every batch is a mix of care, speed, quality, and constant communication with customers.

Here are some of the latest features we’ve introduced to provide clearer and more consistent earnings, and enhance the shopper experience:

  • Batch transparency to show estimated earnings, specific items in the batch, and a map with the store and customer locations.
  • Quality bonuses to reward great service after every five-star rating on full service orders.
  • Pay per mile to help with long distance batches, available from the suggested store to delivery location(s).
  • Batch incentives to consider more factors like number of units, types of items, retailer, store location, and special requests to determine total earnings for a particular batch.
  • Customer tips are easier with our redesigned checkout. As always, shoppers get 100% of tips.
  • Peak Boosts to offer more pay when demand for shoppers is high (available during select times and locations).

To help illustrate some of the changes, take a look at the new batch acceptance screen and batch summary screen:

Whenever we test new features, we always start in a few cities to gather feedback and make sure it works well. This helps us refine, improve, and create the best outcome for shoppers and customers. Shoppers we’ve tested with have told us they appreciate the new features and recognize the efforts as a step in the right direction. Most importantly, these changes have been designed to keep average earnings the same, while paying more consistently for time and effort across batches.

Today, we’re also announcing another new feature based on your feedback which is a better way to calibrate heavy orders. We understand that heavy orders can make a shopper’s job more difficult. We’ll be letting shoppers know in advance if a batch includes heavy items and adding incentives to account for the extra effort.

Based on all of the feedback we’ve received, we’re excited to share that we’ll be making these new features available to all full service shoppers by the end of the year. We’ll be sending updates to shoppers when these features launch in your city.

We recognize it’s our responsibility to help shoppers succeed, and we are committed to providing meaningful changes to make your jobs rewarding and enjoyable. These new features represent an important step forward to enhance the experience for the thousands of men and women who shop with Instacart every day. We’re dedicated to continue listening, engaging, and working hard to create the best and most fulfilling opportunities for shoppers everywhere.

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