3 Mother’s Day Gifts That Aren’t Flowers, Chocolates or Jewelry

Shoppo Team
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018

Want to do something a little different for Mom this year on Mother’s Day? Get her one of these three unique gifts that aren’t flowers, chocolates or jewelry, and give her a Mother’s Day unlike any other.

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Give the Gift of Relaxation

Mom spent years packing lunches, running errands and, let’s face it, putting up with crap from everybody. So give Mom something she really needs: a little relaxation time. Present Mom with a pair of plushy, comfy slippers for her day this year, and then offer to take on her chores. Clean the house, straighten up the closet or go big and volunteer to clean out the garage or basement. After all, hasn’t Mom earned it? She’ll love the thoughtfulness of your gift, which pretty much means that you’ll win Mother’s Day this year.

Boost Mom’s Spirits…and Energy

After years of raising kids and doing all the other stuff that Moms do, she probably needs a little pick-me-up. Put together a custom coffee gift basket for Mom this year featuring a few samples of fancy flavors, some nice flavored creamer and a beautiful coffee mug. If Mom is a tea-drinker, fill the basket with a selection of different herbal teas — and don’t forget the honey! She’ll appreciate a specialized gift made just for her, and the two of you can share a cup together while she relaxes on the day dedicated to her.

Bring Her Up to Date

Moms and tech don’t always get along, but you can still help your mom live in the now with a fun gadget she’ll actually like. This year, get Mom a message board digital clock. One of the newest trends in electronics is message board clocks that come with an easy-to-use one-piece design. Write “Happy Mother’s Day” or “I love you, Mom!” on the message board, and set it up for her. She’ll be the most modern mom among her friends, and you’ll get all the glory for getting her such a great gift.

Have a Unique Mother’s Day

This year, give Mom something a little different. Give her a gift that will truly stand out, and put a smile on her face that will last long past Mother’s Day.

