4 Daily Steps for (My) Flawless Skin

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019

I am often told I have the skin of a vampire, but being a 34-year-old who gets carded if she’s wearing pigtails doesn’t come easy (or cheap, for that matter). Here are four of the things I, a person with amazing skin, slather on my face daily to keep my mug looking eternally youthful AF.


Any Korean skincare expert will tell you that “essence” is the first step in making sure you’re never clocked for a 30something. With the consistency of water, essence is designed to lightly hydrate your face, softening your skin cells for further treatment like a light rain over a parched desert floor. I keep a bottle of Time Revolution essence on my desk and pat it all over my face about five times daily, but the average human can make due with putting it on morning and night.

Snail Serum

Once your essence is absorbed, you’re gonna want to slap on a gooey, snail-derived serum layer to get those skin cells really lubed up. To be honest with you, I don’t know exactly what the benefit of snail juice is, but the slimy goodness that takes its snaily time soaking into your face is something I gosh-darned swear by.

Eye Cream

Eyes are the doors to the face, especially when letting in the signs of aging. Lock that shit down and throw away the key by patting a thick layer of moisturizing eye cream all around those peepers before you settle in for the night — you’ll wake up looking as fresh as a daisy, and probably also as young as a daisy because frankly I doubt daisies have a very long lifespan.

Sleeping Pack

Oooh girl, have you heard of sleeping pack? Once again, we’ve got another elixir of youth straight out of South Korea and it’s an age-rewinding doozy. Most often taking the form of a non-sticky hydrating gel, a sleeping pack seals in all your other creams, serums and essences like a snug little sleeping bag for your face. Certain brands will require you to rinse it off in the morning with warm water, but I recommend finding a sleeping pack like Banila Co’s White Wedding Sleeping Mask that soaks in overnight.

About Face

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