4 Easy Ways to Give Your Living Room a Makeover

Shoppo Team
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2018

Like most people, you probably spend a lot of time in your living room. After all, the name kind of says it all. This room is for watching TV, relaxing on the couch, eating food, talking on the phone — you know, living! And if you’re living with a living room that you no longer love, it’s time to give your space a makeover. It’s easier (and cheaper) than you think to give your living room a whole new look. Discover 4 easy ways to make it happen, and make your living room totally lovable again.

Start with Slipcovers

Buying a brand-new couch is a big deal and a pretty expensive way to change your room, so don’t do it. Get yourself some slipcovers instead. You can make your existing couch, loveseat and chairs look totally fresh and new, and all for a fraction of the price of new furniture. Try slipcovers that look completely different from the furniture you already have. If your living room furniture has a more neutral color, try getting slipcovers in bold, vibrant shades. If you’ve got a patterned couch, look for slipcovers in a solid design. After all, the whole point of a makeover is make things totally different…so go for it!

Use Paint

You can always paint your walls to make your living room look fresh and gorgeous, but why stop there? If you have old, scarred-up wooden floors, give them a fresh coat of paint, too. Your furniture, like the coffee table and TV stand, could possibly stand a new paint job as well. If your furniture is already old and you already hate the sight of it, what will it hurt to freshen it up completely with a couple coats of bright paint? Paint is one of the cheapest ways to change up your space, and best of all you can do it yourself for a simple DIY. Remember to get drop cloths, paint trays, rollers and painter’s tape to make the job easier.

Add Some Art

Give your living room a focal point, and get some new artwork for your walls. A great wall decal, a pretty painting or a photo display will add new life and color to your space, and it gives you a chance to show off your personal sense of style and make your living room feel much more like it’s really yours. Display your taste, your precious memories, your sense of color and fun, and display some new art on the walls.

You don’t need to spend a ton of big bucks on some oil painting to create a great look. Just find some art that you personally like, and you can tell everyone it’s an original from an up-and-coming artist, if you want. And if you want something that you can change around, get a couple of frames and paint over the glass with chalkboard paint. Now, you can have an ever-changing art display on your walls!

Create Contrast

Want to change the look of your room without making really huge changes? Get some wallpaper that contrasts completely with your existing color scheme. Cut it to size, and put your paper on the inside of shelving units, on cabinet doors and anywhere else you want to add a pop of trendy fun. The wallpaper will create contrast that creates a great new look for the room, and suddenly all that stuff that’s been in your living room all these years will look brand-new and interesting again.

Make Your Living Room Over

Make some changes, and make your living room look like a brand-new space again. Because if you don’t absolutely love your living area, you aren’t living the way you should be!

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