4 Gadgets That Help You Reduce Stress

Shoppo Team
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2018

Stress is so bad for you, it can actually create physical health problems. Stress leads to high blood pressure, insomnia, hair loss — you name it; too much stress can cause it. Stop stressing, and start using some gadgets that will help you find real relief.

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Stress Balls

They’re cute, they’re squishy, they’re made to take a beating. Get some stress balls and just start squeezing. Stress balls are designed to fit in the hand, so you can squish and them and squeeze them and treat them as roughly as you like. The tensing and releasing of muscles has been proven to relieve stress in multiple studies, and tightening and relaxing muscles is often used in meditation as a way to release tension in the body. While you squeeze your stress ball, work on tensing up and releasing other muscles in your body to get complete stress relief everywhere.

Putty Toys

Most people think of putty as a kid’s toy, and more recently it’s been used as a useful keyboard-cleaning gadget. But putty toys are also great for stress relief. You can punch putty, pull it apart — just really abuse the stuff and putty will still go right back to any shape you want. What’s more tension-relieving than that? Get some putty, and just try pounding on it for a while. Imagine it’s your boss’s face, or someone’s head, and see how great it feels to just rip it apart, smoosh it back together and really tear into it. Play around for a while, and you’ll start to feel much better.

Hand Balls

Used in yoga, hand balls are made to be held in one or both hands. Rub them against your palms and fingers to massage your hands, and tension will start to seep out. A nice massage is a great way to relieve stress, and this way you can give yourself a massage anytime you want. Any hard ball will do, but you want hand balls that you can easily hold in one hand to get the full effect of this relaxing massage. You can even take off your shoes and rub hand balls against the bottoms of your feet to massage these muscles, too.

Fidget Spinners

The newest trend in stress relief, fidget spinners are everywhere. But like most trends, there’s a reason fidget spinners are popular: they work! Spin them, play with them and fidget away, and you’ll notice that you feel a lot less stressed out. Fidget spinners are a great way to keep your hands busy and dispel nervous tension, which can be great if you’re facing a stressful work meeting, waiting in line or listening to your kids complain about something for the hundredth time.

Reduce Your Stress

Stress is bad for you in lots of ways, and too much of it can literally kill you via heart attack, high blood pressure or other chronic physical conditions. You can’t get rid of all the things that stress you out in this life, but you can do something proactive to reduce the way stress affects you. Start reducing it, and start living a more stress-free life right now.

