4 Great Gift Ideas Your Child’s Teacher Will Genuinely Love

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3 min readAug 15, 2018

Sending your child off to school at the beginning of the year with a small gift for their teacher is a tradition that goes back to the very first days of public schools. This year, skip the apple in lieu of something that your kid’s new teacher will whole-heartedly appreciate.


The mentally taxing and emotionally draining academic year is powered by fat, sugar and caffeine. Sending your child to school with a gift box of homemade treats (or even a nicely wrapped box of your favorite store-bought snacks) will definitely make a great impression and put your child in their teacher’s good graces, at least for the day.

Coffee Accessories

Your child’s teacher is going to go through a plantation’s worth of coffee this year. Help them stay caffeinated in style with a classy teacher mug, a French press, a gift certificate to an upmarket coffee shop or a bag of your favorite gourmet roast.

Comfortable Desk Extras

Most of the time, your child’s teacher spends well over 60 hours a week at the office writing stimulating lesson plans, in-depth parent reports, administrative assessments and efficient standardized test reviews. Help them stay comfy during late nights and long days at their desk with a cushiony lumbar pillow or a soft lap blanket to support them through the slog.

Classroom Supplies

The best gift you can possibly give your child’s new teacher is something for the classroom that won’t need to come out of their own paycheck. Check with your teacher to see what kinds of things they want for their classroom — extra pencils, pens, notebooks, pencil sharpeners, erasers, colored pencils, chalk, markers, scissors and glue are all under-appreciated essentials that will make the school year go a whole lot smoother.

Teacher Appreciation

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