4 Men’s Trends That Will Heat Up Your Style

Shoppo Team
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

They say that the clothes make the man, so why do women act like they’ve got a corner on fashion? Being well-dressed doesn’t make anyone less masculine, so warm up to the idea of sporting these four eye-catching men’s fashions that will stop everyone in their tracks.

Be Stylish with Stripes

Add some color to your wardrobe this spring and summer with vertical stripes. If you’re just getting used to the idea of bright colors or think the look is too busy, wear your stripes with layers. A striped button-down over a contrasting T-shirt is an easy way to look great and turn some heads no matter where you go.

Want to take the look up to a totally GQ level? Look for pants with side stripes. The hottest menswear designers are integrating striped pants into their runway looks, and this is a great way to add an additional splash of color to your outfits.

Dress in Denim

Is there ever a season when denim isn’t popular? The answer is a resounding no, and nothing says “ruggedly handsome” like a pair of jeans with just a little bit of a worn look to them. Get a lived-in look without the work by going for a distressed finish, and pair your jeans with low-cut athletic shoes for a completely casual — yet wholly fashionable — style.

As a bonus, get trendy with low socks that won’t show over athletic shoes, and don’t be afraid to flash some ankle by cuffing your jeans. If showing a little bit of skin works so well for women, why the heck can’t it work for you?

Let’s Get Tropical

For years, it’s been a fashion no-no. But suddenly this spring, tropical shirts are the new hot thing in high fashion. Look for bold floral and natural prints and don’t be afraid of something on the noisier end on the spectrum — that’s what this style does best. If you absolutely must tone it down a little, pair your tropical shirt with a lightweight jacket to add a two-tone, layered look.

Wear a Windbreaker

That’s right: they’re back. Windbreakers are breaking all the rules in fashion this year, and it’s totally in style to wear them no matter the weather. Windbreakers look good and they’re actually practical, because spring weather is notoriously changeable and any sunny day can suddenly take a turn for the worse. After all, your fashion should keep you looking good even in the most surprising of circumstances.

Hot Men’s Style

Everyone is attracted to great style, and everyone pays a little bit more attention to people who are well-dressed. This spring and summer, be the guy who everyone notices with these great looks that are designed to grab the right kind of attention.

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