DAILY DIY: Wound Wire Cross Pendant

Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018

Grab some golden craft wire and get to work making an elegant seasonal accessory that’s sure to impress.

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  • needle nose pliers
  • additional pliers for holding things in place
  • wire cutters
  • thick gold DIY jewelry wire
  • thin gold DIY jewelry wire
  • pearl bead
  • pendant loop

Step 1: Drop it low

Take a length of thick gold DIY jewelry wire and twist it, creating a small drop loop.

Step 2: Do the twist

Holding the drop loop with one pair of pliers, twist the other two ends of the wire around each other about halfway up the total length.

Step 3: Curl up

Make sure the base of the shape is held sturdy while you use your needle nose pliers to curl the two ends into a heart shape.

Step 4: Loop the loop

Using a slightly shorter length of thick gold wire, form another, larger loop for the top of the cross.

Step 5: Pull it through

Pull the large upper loop through the heart-shaped wire and secure, as shown above.

Step 6: Trim the fat

Cut the excess wire in front of the heart shape, as shown.

Step 7: Repeat

Using a longer piece of wire, form yet another small drop loop.

Step 8: Hook, line and sinker

With the loop you just made facing the base of the cross, pull the two free ends through to the back of the heart and separate them so they extend left and right.

Step 9: Looper

Wrap each of the ends around the outside of the heart shape one time and then curl up and around, keeping each wire in front of the heart, as pictured.

Step 10: Swings and roundabouts

Finally, twist the remaining two sides of the wire upward, spiraling around the top of the heart shape once and ending with a curled loop.

Step 11: No excess

If there is any extra wire, be sure to trim it.

Step 12: Make attachments

Finish by adding a pearl bead mounted on small gold wire and attaching a pendant loop to the top.

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