DAILY DIY: Cardboard Notebook Stand

Shoppo Team
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018


You can get overcharged to buy a notebook stand, and spend too much money on a fancy accessory…but wouldn’t you rather DIY your own stand using nothing but simple materials and 10 minutes of your time? This step-by-step guide will tell you how to make your own stand quickly and easily, using stuff you’ve probably already got laying around the house!

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  • Stand template
  • Printer
  • 1 large cardboard box
  • Box cutter
  • Scissors
  • Marker

Step 1: Print the Template

Print out the stand template using a standard printer. You’ll need 4–5 letter-size sheets of paper to print out all the template pieces.

Step 2: Cut Your Cardboard

Take a large cardboard box, and cut it at all the folds until you have 5 to 6 large, flat pieces. Trace the template pieces onto your cardboard with a marker, and cut all your cardboard pieces to match. The thick, black lines on the template mark the spots where you should cut notches into the cardboard. Your notches should be no wider than 1 cm.

Step 3: Assemble Your Pieces

You should have two triangular side pieces, and three long support pieces when you’re finished cutting. Lay all your pieces out flat, and start putting them together. Take one of your triangular side pieces, and match the two notches at the bottom to two of your long support pieces. Secure the second side piece to the other end of two supports you just attached.

Step 4: Complete Your Stand

Add the third support piece to the top of your stand by matching up the pre-cut notches. Place your notebook right on top, and enjoy!

Find the template and materials you need for this DIY project here, and stop overspending on your notebook accessories.

