DIY Lace High Heel Stocking Socks

Shoppo Team
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2018

Add a touch of elegant, glamorous style to your high heels with DIY lace high heel stocking socks. It only takes a few simple steps to give your shoes new life and a sexy new look. Forget the pantyhose, and slip into a pair of gorgeous stocking socks before you put on any pair of pretty shoes. Use this DIY guide to get the look!

Materials needed:

  • 1 pair of pantyhose
  • Lace trim (any color)
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread
  • Straight pins
  • High heels

Step 1: Cut and Pin

Take your pantyhose, and say goodbye to uncomfortable fashion. Cut the feet off the hose to make stocking socks, and toss the rest away. Now, take your lace trim and pin the bottom edge to the top edge of your stocking socks. The trim should go all the way around the front and sides of the foot opening. Repeat for each stocking sock.

Step 2: Sew It Up

Sew the lace and the stocking socks together, removing your pins as you go. Work carefully to keep your stitches small.

Step 3: Test the Fit

Slip your feet into your DIY lace stocking socks to test the fit. The top of the socks should cover your toes completely, so the lace will stick out of your shoes.

Step 4: Add the Heels

Step into your favorite pair of high heels to make sure the lace edge lines up right right, and get a look at your incredible style.

Step 5: Mix It Up

Create DIY lace stocking socks in multiple colors to mix and match different looks with all your favorite heels. Create black lace stocking socks to pair with leopard print heels, and everyone who sees your style will stop in their tracks!

Step 6: Make Matching Style

Pair your stocking socks with matching heels to make your shoes look truly elegant. Black-on-black and white-on-white combinations always look amazing, too.

Find everything you need to create this stylish, sexy DIY, and find out how fashionable all your high heels can be:

