Get a Better Night’s Sleep with a Purpose-Built Alarm Clock

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3 min readJul 17, 2018

Unplugging from your mobile device by storing it in a different room overnight can make a world of difference to your sleep schedule. Set yourself up for a well-rested life with a bedside alarm clock that only does what it says on the box.


An oldie-but-goodie, the traditional bell-and-hammer alarm clock has survived to the modern era for a reason. Loud, dependable and almost indestructible, this alarm clock is also better for you as it skips the snooze option.


If you desperately need the snooze to ease into your morning, a digital alarm clock provides the best of both worlds. A digital alarm clock gives you the precision of a mobile device with the flexibility of a snooze function, and often comes with extras like LED backlighting so you can check to see what time it is in the middle of the night.


Gaining popularity in recent years, a sunrise alarm clock wakes you up naturally by gradually getting brighter as it mimics the rising sun. People who use sunrise alarm clocks frequently describe how well-rested they feel upon waking, so get back to nature with a clock that tunes you into your most authentic self.


A kinetic alarm clock provides you a physical challenge upon waking, boosting you out of the land of dreams with all the subtlety of a bucket of water to the face. (Which would also work, come to think of it.) Kinetic alarm clocks range in design — some fly away, some roll away and others require you to hit, bounce, or reassemble their parts before the alarm stops screaming.

Get Out of Bed

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