Grow Your Own Food with These Small-Scale Gardening Essentials

Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2018

It’s easier than you might think to start growing fresh produce right from the comfort of your own home. All you need to get growing is a window with some sunlight, a bit of patience and our four recommended farmers’ market starter supplies.

Sprouting Pots

Get your baby plants off to the right start with individual starter seed pots. By planting one seed per pot right from the get-go, you avoid overcrowding and can clearly monitor when it’s time to transplant your sprouts into larger containers.

A Trowel

Get down and dirty with a small trowel designed to dig into your largest plant pots. Trowels are used for aerating soil and ensuring that your sprouts are planted deep enough to set down roots, so even if you’re only planting a few tomato plants, don’t skip this gardening essential.

Gardening Gloves

Growing plants can be a prickly endeavor. Protect your hands and prevent rashes, stings and jabs from spiky sticks and stems with a pair of gardening gloves with a textured palm for additional coverage.

Gardening Shears

Eventually, you’re going to need to clear away dead leaves (and the errant weed), as well as harvest without doing damage to the plant. A small, sharp pair of dedicated gardening shears will get the job done right without putting a dull edge on your kitchen scissors.

How does your garden grow?

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