Spice Up Your Space with Iconic Fall Decor

Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2018

Autumn provides armchair decorators with a veritable cornucopia of tempting tableaus to choose from. Get the most out of fall with our favorite seasonal decorative features, guaranteed to cozify your home just in time for the central heating to kick on.

Horse Chestnuts

In England, it’s a common superstition that conkers, or horse chestnuts, repel spiders that come indoors at the beginning of fall. Although that particular claim might be dubious, these hefty nuts make a beautiful addition to your fall table. Put a few handfuls in a retro-inspired pewter bowl and top with a pomegranate for a spiritualist-approved centerpiece that celebrates the season.


The days are growing shorter, and though it might not be time to break out your Seasonal Affective Disorder lamp just yet, you might find yourself leaning towards decor that sheds a bit of light on the subject. Glass lanterns are a beautiful (and safe) way to diffuse light from tea candles and provide easy mood lighting when you’re entertaining (even if you’re just entertaining yourself).


An ancient symbol of fertility and enlightenment, the pine cone is an easily accessible way to add rustic charm to your home. With a wide variety to choose from, a walk in the woods can yield bushels of decor that will carry you through until Christmas — place in windowsills, on bookshelves or next to big pillar candles for a touch of woodsy warmth.

Baby Pumpkins

As iconic as a full-sized pumpkin is, it’s a little unwieldy to plop one down in the middle of your table. Grab yourself a few baby pumpkins, some acorns and a leaf or two and pile them together on a plate for an attractive centerpiece that doesn’t overwhelm the room.

Autumn Ambiance

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