Take a Stab at Our 4 Fave Facial Piercings

Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018

Looking for a quick and easy way to spice things up? More in-your-face than an earring but less permanent than a tattoo, our four favorite facial piercings help you gain just a touch of alternative glam.


The first piercing one usually gets after getting their ears pierced, a nose ring is an accent piece that can be as delicate or as dramatic as you want it to be. Do your research before diving in, however — some of the more popular nose rings, like L-shaped bars, can store up a lot of snot so consider yourself warned.


Although they’ve been around for a while, philtrum (the curved bit between the two peaks of your upper lip) piercings weren’t called “medusa” piercings until the mid-90s. If you want a medusa, make sure whoever’s doing it knows what they’re doing — one millimeter to the right or left of center and suddenly you’ve thrown off the whole symmetry of your face.


The more rebellious younger sibling of the nose ring, septum piercings are one of 2018’s most popular celebrity trends. Lucky for you, getting a septum piercing isn’t actually as painful as people generally assume since the piercing doesn’t go through any cartilage.


With a long and storied history, lower-lip labret piercings have been around for at least 3000 years. Whether you go for a vertical, horizontal, snakebite, side or lowbret, make sure you have a well-reviewed specialist do the procedure, as special consideration needs to made to avoid gum damage and protect your tooth enamel.

Piercing Fashion

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