The Right Travel Journal For Every Type of Explorer

Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2018

Keeping a hand-written travel journal might sound quaint, but it’s still the most practical way to record your vacation memories without a 4G network. Stay meditative and savor the moment with the right kind of journal for the type of explorer you are.

The Pragmatist

You’ve done your research, scoured endless customer reviews and now you finally have your Appalachian Trail pack weight down to the absolute minimum. End each day of the hike with quick reflection in a thin, softback notebook with a durable cover and just enough pages to cover the duration of your trip: no more, no less.

The Romantic

Even though you’ve been backpacking through Europe for a few weeks now, you still find yourself taken by the whimsies of your own imagination. Park yourself in a picturesque cafe and indulge your muse in a leather-bound explorer’s journal filled with buttery pages that have just enough tooth for hasty sketches of the Duomo.

The Archivist

Part of what you find wonderful about travel is keeping a detailed log of everything that happens, as it happens. Keep a hardback pocket notebook and tiny travel pen on hand and you’ll always be prepared for impromptu thoughts, sketches and schedule notes.

The Naturalist

Any wide-eyed Audubon delights in spending time recording the endemic flora, fauna and fungi of places newly known. Be prepared to capture your world in any medium in a blank sketch journal with smooth, heavy paper that won’t bleed through and a hard back to keep your pages flat whether you’re working on a table, your lap or a moss-covered log.

The Write Way to Travel

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