You’re Just In Time for 2018’s Hottest Watch Trends

Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

Do you still find yourself grabbing your phone whenever you need to check the time? Get yourself one of 2018’s favorite watches for a time-telling alternative that’s always there for you at the flick of a wrist.

Art Deco

A sleek and sophisticated art deco watch face steps up your style without overstepping its boundaries. Look for, straight, rounded-tipped hands, a smooth bezel and hard monochrome contrast for a space-age timepiece that’s sure to turn heads.

Detailed Minimalism

It can be tough to read a totally blank minimalist clock face. Give yourself a helping hand with a watch that features 24 needle-thin markers to allow you to pinpoint exactly where you are in your busy schedule.

Smart Watch

Smart watches have been an aspirational trend of the past several years, and as such companies like Apple, Xiaomi, Samsung and even Armani have been rolling out new iterations every few months. Look for a hybrid that has the design of a classic dial with internal sensors that provide biofeedback and discreet notifications through integration with your smartphone.


It’s so refreshing to see some actual numbers on a watch these days. Instead of marker dials, look for watches featuring Arabic or even Roman numerals for a retro throwback that speaks to classic style.

Buying Time

Download the Shoppo app, like Shoppo on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for great prices on this season’s best watches.

