The New SHOPX PoolX Staking Pool, 4/20 69.420% APR Edition

Kurt Ivy
Published in
6 min readApr 20, 2022

Amazing. It has almost been a full year, and our community is still holding strong. We have almost as many token holders as when we started. Why so many? This is a blockchain e-commerce project. There are no games, no deep-fried monkeys. Just business. Is it our perfect fundamentals? Our talented writer?

That’s right, the new staking pool has arrived, and it is a meme in itself. It launches today, 4/20, at 4:20 pm PST. Click the link HERE to visit the portal!

And no need to worry about staking periods this time. Enrollment is open until the end of the year. Jump in and join the fun whenever you’re ready. Some other important details include:

  • 100% APY Compounding Annually (69.420% APR)
  • Minimum 30-day lockup.

The dapp is more or less the same as before but for those of you who need help, below is a short tutorial to guide you through it. But before you get started, make sure you have already downloaded Metamask and have moved your SHOPX from an exchange to your Metamask wallet. If your SHOPX is already in your wallet, then please continue. (**You will need to unstake any tokens from previous pools to enter them into this pool**)

Keep in mind, that this is Phase 1 of PoolX.

When ProtocolX goes live, it will generate yield in ETH. That ETH will be deposited into PoolX. This will create the ETH/SHOPX pair that will be deposited into a DEX where stakers can earn LP rewards. Learn more about PoolX in the whitepaper. View the PoolX terms HERE.

Home Screen — Not Connected

Here, you will be able to see how many tokens are in your wallet, how many you originally staked, how many you have earned in this pool, and how many total are currently staked.

Connect Wallet — Top Right

Make sure that your SHOPX is already in your Metamask wallet before you proceed.

Connect Metamask — Below Pool

When your wallet is connected, you will be able to click the “Connect Metamask” button.

Confirm Connect Wallet to Portal

Go ahead and click the “Connect” button on the Metamask window that pops up.

Wallet Connected — Top Right

When your wallet is connected properly, you will be able to see your wallet address in the top right corner.

View Available SHOPX

Now, you should be able to see how much SHOPX is in your wallet.

Select Stake Token (For Approval)

Click your cursor inside the “Amount to stake” field.

Enter an amount to Stake (For Approval)

Enter an amount of tokens to stake, or click “MAX,” and then click the “Stake tokens” button.

Transaction 1 — Approve Tokens for Staking

Before you stake your tokens, Metamask will ask you for permission. Click “Confirm.”

Approve Token Message Will Appear

Select Stake Token (For Staking)

Once approved you will see the “Sending deposit transaction” and Metamask will appear again.

Transaction 2 — Confirm Staking of Tokens

On the Metamask window click “Confirm” staking

Transaction in Process (Animated Screen)

Watch the pretty animation while you wait. Don’t look away.

Verify Staked Tokens

Take a look at the dapp again. See for yourself that the tokens have successfully been staked.

Now you’re done! If this is all you need, feel free to click “clap,” follow me, send me 1 BTC, and then go about your day. If you need a few more tips, continue below:

Add to Staked Amount

If you want to add more tokens to your stake, make sure this slider is toggled to “Stake”.

Enter amount or press MAX to stake from available SHOPX tokens

Confirm both the Token Approval and Staking transactions in Metamask

…and once again confirm new amount staked has increased

Toggle to unstake to withdraw and Minimum 30 Day lock period

A countdown timer will count the days remaining until you can unstake. After 30 days since you last staked, you may withdraw funds by unstaking

Unstaking will withdraw all funds from the pool.

Confirm withdraw transaction on wallet.

The Staked/Earned/Total balance will be zero and all SHOPX will be returned to wallet custody

Now you’re really done. Thanks again for sticking with us this far. You deserve a reward for your diamond hands. Also, you never know when we might grab a snapshot and send out ReserveX WL spots, Bonus SHOPX tokens, or swag from our partners!

We appreciate our community and we honestly enjoy our work, not only because of what we’re trying to accomplish but because we get to engage with awesome web3 people who decided that what we were doing was as cool as we thought it was. We love traveling and getting to meet some of you out in the world. Thank you!

If you want to get closer to us and our inner circle, join the SHOPX Squad Discord server.

