Late homework assassination: Rules slightly broken and blended

Pinterest Has Suggested unto Me ‘Man Caves.’ I Think Not.

“No thanks.” I click. Then before my eyes appears:

Ann James
Short and Weird
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2023


Alejandro Rosaleny

Send me more, I plead, so that I no longer suffer the sliders and arrogances of Medium’s algo schisms.

I will Basque in the wonder mint of long-haired men.

Never again, to bartend my sour grapes for mere Medium.mortals.

This is quite a gasmask prom. But, will they play “Smock on the Watchtower”?

Wait and see whilst drinking rum and cokehead.

Back to the bar after dancing to “Stare Way to Kevin,” a cigarette button in the last sipple of my dribble.

“Scheiss!” I scream, after swallowing the cig, because that is the only uncontaminated word I know in Aleman.

No one to drive me home. All are drumsticky. We pass the night, sleeping it off on pool tabernacles.

And as morning dawns on Mom’s Saloon, Pacify Beach, we head back to joblessness.

Thanks to Marsha Adams’ September prompt response for Short and Weird’s Make It Weirder.



Ann James
Short and Weird

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.