
Prime Ate

RK Galaga
Short and Weird


Chimps are just as smart as people, in a way. I have a pet chimp named Chomp Him. He got his name because every time a grouchy neighbor tried to pee on the lawn, I’d say “Chomp him!” and the chimp would. The chimp would also trick the neighbor into jumping off a cliff by pointing to the edge and giving the thumbs-up sign.

One problem with him having “Chomp Him” for a name is every time I say “Chomp Him, dinner’s ready,” he thinks I’m telling him to chomp another victim. He chomped my grampa and tricked him into taking a nap on the train tracks.

In a way, I’m glad because it proves how smart chimps are.

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And here’s my book series about a horny cat detective:

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RK Galaga
Short and Weird

I make messes with words and paint. You might need a shower after reading my stories. I'm the owner of Short & Weird. Ever heard of it? It's ok if you haven't.