Photo by Debabrata Hazra on Unsplash

Scary Eyebrows


Uzi Landsmann
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2023


The cashier at the supermarket I usually go to has no eyebrows. I don’t know if she lost them in a terrible accident or if they were kidnapped by aliens, but they are simply not there.

To make up for their loss, the cashier paints new eyebrows where the missing ones are not. Different angles, colors, and shapes every day. I guess there’s some pattern hidden there or maybe she’s trying to send a secret message to the people around her by changing their appearance, but who knows?

Last Friday, when I went to buy some bread and cheese for the weekend, I saw her standing there, scanning somebody’s groceries. She painted a pair of don’t-mess-with-me-asshole-forty-five-degrees-angle-thick-black-eyebrows. The message was broadcasted very clearly and nobody dared ask her anything, not even if they couldn’t find the cashew nuts they were so desperately looking for.

However, when I stood close to her, I suddenly got this telepathic message inside my head. It was the painted eyebrows who were talking to me. They said they came from a different universe and used the cashier as their host. They were delighted someone finally caught their attention and was willing to listen to them. Then they told me to take them to our leader.

So I pretended not to notice, paid 179:90, and went home.



Uzi Landsmann
Short and Weird

Software developer at Webstep. I write tech stuff and fiction in English and Swedish. Click on my lists to see more!