She Did It. But at What Cost?

“Are you taking me with you?”

Grandma Smillew
Short and Weird


Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

“Listen. I have a magic jar under my bed. All I need to open it is a silver needle. You have one?”

She never knew with her little brother. Was it another of his inventions? It did sound like it. But what if it was the truth for once? What if he could do magic? It could change her life. She could get out of here.

“Mom has a golden needle! She used it to sew back her uniform’s pocket.”

“Silver. Not golden.”

“What if we paint it?”

“No. It has to be for real. If you don’t have one, it’s OK. I’ll ask somebody else. But no magic for you.”

“Wait. I can get you one. Meet me at 4.”

“Perfect. Where did you get it?”

“I stole it from Dad.”

“You crazy.”

“Let’s say I’m on the edge. Open the jar. I need the magic.”

“What for?”

“I want out. I want to leave. I can’t stand them anymore. You know that.”

“Are you taking me with you?”

She couldn’t, but she had to lie, or he wouldn’t open the jar.

“Of course.”



Grandma Smillew
Short and Weird

Grandma. Pink belt in social media marketing. I love flash fiction and stories about Grandmas (submit here: