Short Fiction

E Block

A Furious Fiction Story

Melissa-Jane Nguyen
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Three dollars for a single rose. Better than the thirty-five I was gonna spend on one at the plaza florist. The kid in line in front of me kept glancing over his shoulder and wiping his palms on his pants. I know how you feel, I wanted to say. But I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself. Curious eyes were already making it clear I didn’t belong here.

When it was my turn, I handed over a fiver to one of the kids behind the desk. ‘Keep the change,’ I said. I could tell they were suspicious as they looked me up and down, but they handed over a red rose covered by a clear plastic bag that was decorated with white dots. Meant to make it look nicer than the three dollars spent, I suppose.

I picked up a pen and paper to scribble a note.

I had to walk past E Block and all I could think about was that moment when poor old Mr Parr almost bumped right into us behind the toilets. Edie was up against the wall, one hand curled into a fist around my school tie, and one leg hooked around my waist with her school skirt riding up as we kissed.

I was smiling just thinking about it.

Now it was my turn to wipe my palms on my pants.



Melissa-Jane Nguyen

Writer and editor. Writing about parenting, writing and life. Working on YA novel. Tea drinker. Book lover. Wife. Mother.