I’m Publishing Sub-Par Writing & So Should You

Don’t be afraid of imperfection

Erica Marta Ball


Begin. This is the phase I am at. Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Confession: I am writing and publishing things that aren’t perfect. They’re not even great. Why?

If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be publishing anything at all.

So yeah, the posts I’m putting out are not my best work. I hope you’ll stick it out until I show you what I know I can do. I’d really appreciate that. I don’t know how long that will take, though.

I’m willing to bet some of you have been in a place like this, which is one reason I’m laying it all out there. Another is in case you have not been in a place like this but will be someday. Then hopefully you’ll remember you are not alone.

So here’s why I am deliberately rushing to put things out before I feel they are ready. (When I’m confused, I make lists.)

  1. I hadn’t written for years before starting again last fall.
  2. I’m still recovering from a long-coming burnout/breakdown in the fall. (Correct, this is not a coincidence. I started writing again because of what happened.)
  3. Specifically, because of the above, my focus is still shot. My desire to do things for other people is gone. I am allergic to any hint of inauthenticity in my self-expression.
  4. At the same time, I…

