Zombie Movies and Unpopular Opinions

Our mid-year edition before taking a mini break until August.

Dayle Fogarty
3 min readJun 22, 2021


Photo by Nathan Wright on Unsplash


This will be a quick open letter because holy fu*k I have twenty minutes up my sleeve before the little fish of the house gets picked up from daycare and we venture to the swim centre for the weekly lesson.

How is everyone? Dandy? Having a strugg? Questioning why a movie has to have so many easter eggs, providing a nod to the nichè genre it falls into?

That’s right, I watched Army of the Dead. It was a pretty great and no doubt entertaining movie. But it was a random clip on YouTube my husband found detailing, for about ten minutes, all the references to other movies in Army of the Dead, which had me peed off.

And I don’t know why it’s annoyed me so much! Right now I’m laughing at just how ridiculous this is.

Sometimes I just want to know why or what it is that bothers me about something, which I realise comes from this place of irrational thinking, but I’d still like to come full circle and go ‘ohhh, that’s why I hate it.’

Unpopular opinion, but my reaction to this clip is the same feeling I get towards Taylor Swift. I’m not a fan. I’m sure she’s real cut up about that.

But, the thing that bothers me, is … I can’t quite put my finger on the why.

If you feel the same about a person, a movie, a book, feel free to leave a comment as to what/who and if you know why.

If you can figure it out, so can I.

Write on fellow creatives!

Check Out Some of the Latest Stories

In a Strange Place by Joy Nibbs. Joy Nibbs is a poet and freelance writer. When she isn’t banging her head against a desk to write, you can find her drinking tea and reading. Find her on Twitter @JJnibbles.

A boy, a curse, and a little black book

In a Strange Place takes readers on a mysterious and picturesque journey for answers with main character Saheem, it’ll leave you wanting to know more.

Road Trip by Dayle Fogarty. A storyteller, writer, foster mum, and Goonie. Equal parts cool and daggy. Writing stories, even if they’re a bit sh*te bring her a sense of contentment and calm.

Road Trip is a lightning quick read, prompted by the Australian Writers’ Centre who asked participants to submit a 29–word story inspired by a road trip.

In the Old Cafe by Nakia Cook. Nakia is native Texan living in Canada. A writer, photographer, and cat lover.

In the Old Cafe is a swift and enticing vampire story told as a Tanka Poem: Five lines of poetry whose syllables are 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 respectively.

Golden Hour by Kaustubh R Erande. A writer, reader, and listener. Kaustubh has submitted a number of his pieces to Short-B-Read over the past year, fast becoming our most dedicated and consistent contributor.

Golden Hour follows the intricacies of an internal struggle for the main character. Will they choose new love or family?

What We’re Reading

Dayle’s currently reading The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.

Melissa’s currently reading A Torch Against the Night (which is book two in a series) by Sabaa Tahir.

What’s On

Emerging Writers Festival — Over 50 events taking place including workshops, talks, performances, and more with a combination of online and in-person. ‘EWF provides opportunities for emerging writers to develop professionally, and supports them to engage new and larger audiences.’ June 16–26, 2021.

Madeleine Milburn Mentorship Programme — Running for its second year, this mentorship programme takes place over six months with spots for eight aspiring authors with at least half reserved for underrepresented voices — Now–July 1.

London Book Fair — A digital-only event for 2021, the London Book Fair is essentially a global marketplace for sale and distribution of print, audio, TV, film, and digital channels. The Writers’ Summit is where it’s at for writers, with tips, industry advice and agent sessions (extra) where writers can pitch agents directly — June 21–July 1, 2021.

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‘Life owes you nothing. You owe yourself everything.’
Corey Taylor, Seven Deadly Sins: Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good



Dayle Fogarty

Storyteller. Writer. Foster mum. Goonie. George Harrison. Believes in social justice and human rights for all. Homebody with a longing to travel.