Typer CLI Builder — A Super Flexible Python Script Writer GPT

Robby Boney
Short Bits
Published in
7 min readApr 2, 2024


Create Typer CLI’s with an OpenAI GPT

Today I’m introducing a project I’ve been working on for a number of weeks: Typer CLI Builder

There is a lot of talk about use cases for AI. While it is getting applied to everything it seems like, there are some use cases that make more sense then others or seem to yield more value then others. One such use case I’ve been experimenting with that actually saves time and improves my workflow is template generation. There are numerous templates I’ve written for scripting, coding, Notion page layouts, ClickUp tasks, GitHub issues, files for repos like readmes and other templates that help save time as starting points for projects or content.

Each template helps us skip a boilerplate step, but using AI we can make these templates even more dynamic by taking specifics from us and our template and filling in the pieces or reshaping a template based on what parts we don’t need instead of us manually having to go strip out parts of our templates we don’t need.



Robby Boney
Short Bits

Director of Product Development @ Interject Data Systems. I write Software for Science, Data & Enterprise…https://robbyboney.notion.site/