Living Lavish in Ancient Pompeii

A glimpse into how the wealthy lived in the Roman Empire

Brennen Esval
Everything Antiquity


Pompeii is one of those places I have always dreamed of going to one day. Its beautiful villas and ghastly stone figures provide a humbling contrast to the life of the Roman Empire.

The sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius, while tragic, has provided a wealth of archaeological knowledge. Excavations have revealed intact houses and villas, depicting how life would have been like for people living in the coastal city.

Ruins of the Pompeii Forum overlooked by Mount Vesuvius

Primarily known as a vacation destination, Pompeii was a stomping ground for many of the wealthy elite of the Roman Empire, leaving countless lavish houses and estates

Today, I want to explore how the rich and powerful lived and what their everyday lives would have looked like in Pompeii on the eve of the eruption.


In Pompeii, the wealthy lived in stand-alone suburban dwellings known as domus, coming from the Latin world domesticus.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the term villa; this would be used to describe larger Roman estates, typically in the…

