The Horrible Nazi Killings of Oradour-Sur-Glane

Almost all civilians were killed

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Historia Corner
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2022


By User:Dna-Dennis — Own work, Public Domain

On the 10th of July, the town of Oradour-Sur-Glane witnessed the most terrifying and horrible event of their history. The town in the center of France was destroyed by the Nazi Waffen-SS.

The Germans were controlling that region at the time of the war and were brutally exploiting the civilians of southern France.

Almost all inhabitants of the town were killed during the massacre. It happened in the summer of 1944, almost one year before the war ended.

The Morning of the Massacre

On the morning that the massacre would happen, the Germans received the message that one of their officers would have been taken captive by the French in Oradour-Sur-Glane.

Helmut Kämpfe would have been the officer in question. Kämpfe died that same day after being executed by the French resistance.

The Dieckmann’s battalion was in charge of the area and made up their plans to bring the town a visit that wouldn’t end well. When they arrived they ordered everybody to gather and get their documents ready.

When all the women and children were locked up in the church.



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Historia Corner

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. — https://bryandijkh.substack.com/