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Prasanna Pegu
Short Random Thoughts
2 min readSep 16, 2017

An invitation to publish stories.

Dear All,

Here’s to the curious ones. The thinkers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who can’t stop thinking. The random girl across the street who would like to be treated as equal. That random guy around the block who wishes for a better now.

They are minds full of curiosity. They are not fond of rules. They are random thinkers. And they write about them. They are bound not to one interest, but a multitude of them. They love expressing themselves.

Here’s to them. Here’s to that random girl across the street who thinks. Here’s to that random guy around the block who writes. Here’s to us who say it like it should be without any fear of being judged. Here’s to us who likes or would love to share thoughts with the world, no matter how profound or stupid.

Here’s to you.

So you think you belong here? Then come join us. We have a place for you. A place where you can be “you”. A place where you can express your thoughts. A place full of random thoughts. We invite you to a place that you can call home. We welcome you to publish your thoughts here at Shorts (Short Random Thoughts).

Shorts is a publication for you to publish those shower thoughts that hits your mind every once in while and you can’t stop thinking about them. This is a place to share those thoughts.

The rule is to have no rules.

We have no reservations on the kind of stories that you want to publish as long as it follows Medium guidelines. There are no strict rules except that your stories need be short, like the name suggests. Ideally, we would prefer it to be no more then a 3 minute read.

Cheers & happy writing. 😊

Reach us at randomthoughts.medium@gmail.com

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