Photo by Bjorn Snelders on Unsplash

A Walk on the Wild Side

Kate Fazakerley
Short Reads Magazine
5 min readJul 22, 2022


The landscape lay spread out before them, heather clad granite sloping down to the edge of the forest, a lake glinting in the distance.

“It’s beautiful” whispered Caroline “I can’t wait to explore”. She had been looking forward to this trip for quite a while, finally having the time to relax and discover a new place with Paul. They saw so little of Adam these days. It was a pleasure to have his company too.

A narrow path led down the slope in front of them traversing the hill. It was difficult to navigate the terrain, uneven and unfamiliar, but they managed the descent taking their time, Paul and Adam helping Caroline until they reached leveller ground, the trees ahead of them and a wider path leading off to their right.

“Apples” cried Caroline, delighted as they passed a tree laden with ripe, delicious fruit. “Help me pick some, Adam, I can’t quite reach” Adam moved closer to the tree and easily pulled himself up onto the lower branches. He had not particularly wanted to join his parents on this excursion, he had work to do and had hoped they could explore on their own but they were slowing down in their middle age and didn’t know the place the way he did. He picked a few apples and put them in his bag.

“Readymade snacks” he said “In case we run out of energy”. They strolled on past the trees following the path.

“What on earth is that?” Paul asked startled by a sudden movement, an unfamiliar creature moving swiftly across the hill to their right.

“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about” said Adam. “It’s too far away and they don’t tend to notice you unless you’re quite close or threatening them”. Caroline blinked uncertainly, reassured by Adam’s confident tone but still unsure. She had not fully considered the possibility of danger in this unknown territory where her son spent so much of his time.

“Look at these” Paul said, freshly distracted by a crop of interesting mushrooms growing nearby.

“Those could come in handy too” said Adam and using the little knife he was carrying he scooped them up and added them to his other supplies. “Don’t eat them Dad” Adam said noticing, in the nick of time, what his father was doing.

“You know that, Paul” said Caroline crossly “You should never eat wild mushrooms if you don’t know what they are.”

“Why’s Adam picking them then?” said Paul confused.

“You’ll see” said Adam producing a map from his bag “This might be helpful for you to get your bearings” he said “We’d be best to take the path that runs past the lake and avoid the ruins. It’s easy to get lost.”

They set off towards the lake in the distance, the path edged with grass scattered with wild flowers. In every direction, the countryside spread out and Caroline thought she had never seen anywhere so beautiful or quiet. There was no sign of a living creature in any direction until suddenly there was, the same animals that they had seen earlier only this time they were coming closer.

“Uh oh” said Adam.

“Should we get moving?” asked Paul.

“They’re a bit tricky to outrun” said Adam, reaching into his bag.

“Should we get in amongst the trees then? “ asked Caroline

“I’m not sure, I’ve never tried that” said Adam a little distracted, his hand on the knife which he had tucked into his waistband in an anxiety inducing manner.

“Let’s keep going” suggested Caroline tentatively but the creatures were getting closer spacing out in a sort of formation, those at the back wary, the forerunners starting to snarl.

“Are they some sort of dog?” asked Paul sounding oddly unperturbed, Caroline thought. They were not some kind of dog. Although they were growling and baring their teeth, the creatures were now standing up on two legs, shorter than human height, their long arms swung grazing the grass in an ape like fashion. Adam stepped forward waving his arms and fending off the advance. The creatures halted, the rear guard beginning to show defensive signs, heads a little lowered, tails flattened but suddenly their leader was moving forwards again, and Adam lunged, Caroline screamed and Paul called out “Be careful, Adam”. Adam advanced shouting and growling in his turn until he pressed his advantage home and the whole pack fell back.

“I don’t like it, Adam” wailed Caroline “Why are they attacking us? Why can’t we just go for a walk in peace?”

“It’s just the way they are, Mum” he replied munching an apple. “They’ve gone now, let’s get going.”

“I’m not sure I want to go on” said Caroline.

“Just a bit further” said Paul “then we’ll stop”.

They set off again down the meandering path across the hills towards the woods, Caroline now holding onto Paul’s arm. She scanned the surrounding area but saw nothing alive save the trees and the low growing plants. Then suddenly, just as Caroline’s breathing had slowed a little, there was an almighty crashing and the big brute which had led the pack before, jumped down from the tree a few yards in front of them growling and snarling. Caroline screamed in shock.

“Goodness sakes Mum” muttered Adam stepping in front of his parents “calm down”.

“Get lost” Paul shouted from the back as Caroline clutched his arm. The beast made a swift movement forwards then back as if to intimidate Adam but held back warily as Adam remained steadfastly in position. It started to retreat, head bowed and Caroline breathed again when, without warning, it turned and leapt at Adam seeming to collide with him in a blur of movement. Adam fell back momentarily dazed and cursing under his breath. Paul could see him reach into the backpack grasping for something then, completely unexpectedly, he pulled out a large pistol, took aim and fired at the creature hitting it squarely in the throat and knocking it backwards onto the ground where it lay twitching and bleeding into the grass, a gurgling utterance emanating from it.

“Adam” screamed Caroline “what have you done? …. A gun, why are you carrying a gun? Why didn’t you tell us it would be like this? You know I hate violence. This is dreadful, terrible.” Adam turned to her in irritation and took off his VR visor effectively disappearing from the scene although Caroline could still hear him well enough standing next to her, as he was, in the cottage kitchen.

“I didn’t want to play in the first place, Mum” Adam said “It was your idea. All these games have an element of combat. How was I to know you were going to freak out?”

“I thought you did very well, son” said Paul “but it is a bit like going for a nice walk with the SAS. How about a cup of tea then maybe we can play Monopoly instead.” Paul moved towards the kettle “- and I still don’t understand what the mushrooms were for.”

