How the iPhone Changed The World — Not By A Tech Analyst

Through The Eyes Of An Ordinary Person

Jonah Chew
Viral Proverbs


Before using an iPhone, I was skeptical towards it.

Mostly because it came one month after I got a Samsung Jet and my phone contract doesn’t support iPhone (I have to wait another 2 years), secondly because it looked so cool and awesome but I couldn’t afford it and thirdly because the Jet was so laggy and less functional and less beautiful as compared to the iPhone.

I made up reasons and convinced myself an iPhone sucked. The parts and displays were made by Samsung, what I was using was Samsung! Mine is better! iPhone users are mainstream! I am the alternative smartphone guy!

But as months went by and I saw more people using it. Tech sites were talking about it all the time. I was at Razer at that time, doing product development and there were Apple fanboys too.

The designer fanboys were in awe of the smooth product design, the packaging and the screen resolution even though it was around the 3GS era. They talked about how awesome the camera was, everything was so functional and beautiful etc etc………..

The engineers were using it. The project managers were using it. Even my direct reporting assistant director was using it.

One of the many things he mentioned about the iPhone: “Once you use an iPhone, there’s no going back.”

And its true.

I realised the iPhone is magical and revolutionary. Yet the idea is so simple, but not easy. It is the first of its kind. Something so amazing and spectacular in a form of beauty never seen before.

There are loads of articles talking about how phones were like before and after the iPhone. Today there are more choices of touchscreen phones other than the iPhone. So “Once you use an iPhone, there’s no going back” is still true, to me.

Because today’s smartphones are based on the iPhone.

Soon the day came where the Jet no longer satisfies me. In fact I regretted when I unboxed it (but convinces myself its not that bad, but failed). It was laggy, design was bad, videos were slow, typing was slow, graphics were ugly, they’re not colourful and attractive, emails were complicating to check, the browser lags, the list goes on and on…

An iPhone 3GS alone beats everything.

And obviously, I soon got it and I remember it was a white one. I loved it.

The feeling was… inseparable. It was like when I received my first favourite toy. I want to have it with me at all times. Bring it with me to all places.

My peers, colleagues, friends, relatives.. were mostly using iPhones.

When I take the train, the bus, people were using it to watch shows, listen to music.. Cab drivers were using it to navigate.

Soon, more and more apps began to surface. Games, utilities, informative, news apps… and of course, Social Media.

The iPhone became viral. It spreads. The idea of it spreads. The usage of the product spreads. Tech sites, News sites, Finance Sites all talk about it. How the iPhone changes different worlds.

I’m glad I have the opportunity to be part of this phenomenon. This viral process. It’s crazy, and fun. People still talk about the iPhone today. But the magic has faded. The craze has lessened. The innovation is lesser.

Functions are better, faster and stronger. It’s thinner. Displays are amazing.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibilities.

The power Apple have is innovation. Now that they have changed the world with the iPhone… the world is looking at them that it is their responsibility to change the world, again. And again, and again.

Check out ViralProverbs for more content on going Viral!

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