Futura Magazine Story Submission Guidelines

These guidelines are periodically being updated due to Medium changes or to the Publication demands.

Gehazi Bispo
Futura Magazine
2 min readNov 4, 2016


Endcap view with suspension bridge — © Don Davis, 1975.

Futura Magazine is an electronic publication for speculative fiction content based on Medium platform. We publish fine Science Fiction, Fantasy, and other fictitious stories from a wide range of ethnic-cultural background.

We expect writers to respect the following submission guidelines:

  • The stories must be original, and your own;
  • The stories should be saved as a draft, or already published on Medium at the time of submission (otherwise, speak with the editors through our Facebook page or email);
  • The stories should have also a subtitle or a summarizing sentence (that gives some information about the content of your story);
  • The stories should have a featured image on the top (it helps the story stand out in the Medium headline page);
  • The stories must be tagged with at least one of the following tags: Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Fiction.
  • Please try to keep your drafts under 6,000 words (longer works need to speak with an editor).

We will try to make edits cosmetic. Editor’s recommendations are optional, unless they are about typos, and serious structural or semantic problems. No work that is not original and your own, or makes apology to racism, harassment, Nazism, anti semitism, and all kinds of discriminatory behavior, will be accepted.

How to submit?

  • Story published on Medium: share your story link with us by our Submission Form.
  • Story saved as a draft on Medium: share your draft with us by our Submission Form, as shown here.
  • Story published on other means or personal draft: if your story is already published in other place, you can import it to Medium as shown here, then you can publish it and share it with us the same way as in the first topic. If you have a personal draft and want to publish it on Medium, you first set up a Medium account, and then write a story. You can share it with us as a published story or as a draft (see above first two topics).

After your story is published on Futura Magazine, spread the word! Share it in the social nets and among your fans, readers, friends and family!

Update 1 (11/01/2017): Due to a change made by Medium on how stories appears on publications, if you submit a story already published on Medium, when (re)published on Futura Mag it is not going to appear on latest section, unless it was published on Medium within a few days it was accepted on Futura. Now, the date of appearance on the latest section, isn’t the date of acceptance in the publication anymore, but the date the story was published on Medium by its writer. This mechanism goes toward publishing fresh and original content on publications, rather than making then repositories of already published stories.



Gehazi Bispo
Futura Magazine

I write about cognition, behavior, complexity & computation. I'm an Experimental Psychologist enthusiast of ML, AI, modeling and simulation. Lifelong Learner.