William Patrick Butler
Futura Magazine
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2015


Her freckles where dark against her pale skin as she tightened the last of her wrist straps and stepped out into the cold, grey morning light.

The silver metal soles of her black knee high jackboots echoed softly off the cracked and broken sidewalk as she walked down the street, stepping over trash, hobos, and dog shit.

She hated walking to The Ministry every morning but she didn’t have a choice. Public-Trans never came to this part of the metroplex arcology. Why would it? If she had a choice, she would never come back here either.

She didn’t belong here anymore. With the trash and the crime and the unintelligent heathens.

She was better than that now. Now that she was a Paladin of The Ministry.

Governments had fallen. Corporations had failed. Science didn’t give the masses enough comforts.

But The Ministry was forever. And she was a part of that.

She continued walking, wishing for her mother to die before she got “home”. She didn’t want to have to come back down here amongst The Unenlightened again.

And as she walked, secure and warm in her silver metal straps and jet black fabrics, she looked up, to the horizon, and saw the Obsidian Towers of The Ministry reaching tall and proud into the always cold and grey skies.

And the smile she smiled was cold and grey.

The Ministry was forever.

- end -



William Patrick Butler
Futura Magazine

i'm a freelance photographer who loves comics, sci-fi, and thinking a lot about a Universal Basic Income. all as it should be.