ABC Institute of Mindfulness & Meditation


Sakthi Mahalingam
Short Shorts
2 min readOct 13, 2023


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

“Where are you heading, honey?” asked Kevin.

“I’m sick of your behavior. It makes me crazy. I don’t want to get high blood pressure just by picking fights with you. I want peace for a while. I’m going to a mindfulness class. Bye,” Catherine replied.

“Welcome to your first day of ABC Institute of Mindfulness & Meditation. I’m your instructor, Clara, and I’m very happy to have you all in my class.

“The focus of this class is to relieve your stress and make you feel relaxed.

“So, please TURN OFF your phones and follow my instructions. When you leave the class, you’ll feel rejuvenated. Are you ready?

“Sit comfortably. Relax your body. ‘Unstuff’ your mind.



“Hello, ABC Institute of Mindfulness & Meditation. Yes, Clara is speaking. Okay, let me check and get back to you.



“That’s just a WhatsApp message. You keep relaxing.



“Hello, ABC Institute of Mindfulness & Meditation. Yes, Clara is speaking. Okay, I’ll meet you at 5 this evening.



“That’s just an email notification. You keep relaxing.



“Hello, ABC Institute of Mindfulness & Meditation. Yes, Clara speaking. Okay, I will send an instructor to your place.



“Okay, your time is over. I hope you had a wonderful session. Let’s meet tomorrow. Thank you, all.”

“How was your class, honey?” asked Kevin.

“It was HORRIBLE!” exclaimed Catherine.

Kevin replied: 🫠😜😂



Sakthi Mahalingam
Short Shorts

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.